Local Pubs Post Lockdown
Right, let me first say, I haven’t been to too many local pubs post lockdown. I thought I’d get that in first just in case you think I spend my days “researching” pub after pub. No siree. However, I have popped into a few. As so many others have as well no doubt. And what have I found about local pubs post lockdown?
Have a read to find out about my own “research” into this very important topic. As I say, I haven’t been in too many, but those I have been in, have each had a story to tell in a way.
Local Pubs Post Lockdown
I think there were quite a few pub goers who thought that pubs would be ‘back to normal’ as they remembered them before the pandemic, when lockdown restrictions were lifted on 19th July. But the reality was, some of them weren’t ‘back to normal’. People are still understandably so very wary and, as a result, welcome the way some pubs have continued after the 19th July.
A case in point. I live in Hoole, and so far I have ventured into three of the local pubs. The Bawn Lodge, The Royal Oak and The Bromfield. Both the Bawn Lodge and The Royal Oak were still table service when I visited recently. That’s all fine of course as it is up to those establishments as to how they wish to operate their business.
Each Pub To Their Own
The thing is though is that it would be handy if you knew in advance as to what the post lockdown ‘rules’ are. The first pub ventured into was The Bawn Lodge. As we walked into the gardens, we immediately headed towards the bar entrance only to be stopped by a barman who was attending a table nearby.
“Hang on and just wait there to be seated”, he said. So, no different than during the lockdown period. When he finished serving the nearby table, he met us by the empty beer barrel entrance point and asked “inside or outside?”
At this point I asked what customers could and couldn’t do. For instance, could customers now walk straight in and order a drink from the bar? After all, we only waited to be seated because he happened to be serving a table nearby. There was no sign at the entrance giving any guidelines as to what to expect.
The barman said walking in and going straight to the bar was OK during the week, but at weekends, they preferred it if people waited outside before being directed to a table for table service to commence. And where could we see this suggestion? There was no instructions to be seen anywhere.
After finishing our first drink I wasn’t too sure what to do. There weren’t any bar staff around to take a table service order. So, to be on the safe side I waited a few minutes longer. Still no bar staff. In the absence of fully knowing what to do and with it being some time after the 19th July, I took it upon myself to venture to the bar.
Like An Alien From Outer Space
As I wandered to the people free bar, I noticed that there were maybe four of five trays being filled with drinks, ready to be taken to the various tables. The bar person serving, looked up and seemed to look at me in horror. Or, as if I was like an alien from outer space.
“Can I help you?” was the somewhat surprised question.
“Er, I’d like to order a couple of drinks” was the seemingly expected response. After all, I was standing at a bar – in a pub. And I had a £10 note in my hand.
“Where are you sitting? What table number” were the next questions. I was rather hoping for the question to be, and “what can I get you?”
I didn’t know our table number. Really speaking, I didn’t think I’d need it. So, I needed to go and find out our table number. As I only wanted to order two drinks, I suggested (thinking it might help) that I take them back with me. “As I’m here and to save someone else the journey.”
That didn’t work for the bar person. So, our drinks would have been added to the end of the queue I imagine of those already filling the trays on the bar. Back to the table then to wait.
The drinks arrived a few minutes later, so job’s a good ‘un.
I’m not sure if this is going to be the norm now in The Bawn Lodge. Many people will like this style of service I’m sure and I’m not knocking that. But it’s not for me on a regular, or a long term basis.
Knowing What’s Happening Is The Key
If it is the intention to stick with a table service, then fair enough. As long as the punters know what’s happening though. Before deciding to go to the Lodge, I thought that things would be back to normal. There was no indication that they wouldn’t be. Hence initially looking to walk straight in.
But now that I know the way going forward is to continue with a table service, then this will be further down the list of preferred bars to frequent. For me, I much prefer the more traditional normal pubs.
Let me be clear, all of the above is not a criticism. It’s just how I found it. And in a nutshell, it would be greatly beneficial if it was clear before you entered a pub as to how it operates. That way you can plan your pub visits accordingly.
Another case in point. The following night I went to The Royal Oak on Faulkner Street for a couple of pints before tea. Partly to see it back (as I expected it to be) back to ‘normal’. But when I walked in there was one of those stretchy, elasticated strips attached to a post stopping you from entering. A member of the bar staff approached me and asked, “have you booked a table?”
To which I replied, “no, I didn’t think I needed to.” Again, no indication as to what the rules or preferences were. Has it changed since? I’m not sure as I haven’t been back. You may be able to spot an opportunity here. The same opportunity I am seeing. Another local pubs post lockdown article. Yay, that means I get to go out again.
Wow…. How Much?
I’ve mentioned the Bawn Lodge and the Royal Oak in Hoole. I have also popped into the Bromfield in Faulkner Street. A quick, cheeky couple while waiting for my Chinese. The first thing to note, it was the most ‘back to normal’ of all 3 pubs visited. That was a pleasant surprise I must admit. But, the price of the Pale Ale poured from the fancy pumps wasn’t.
I normally drink cask bitter. And, that’s what I had for my first pint when I first popped in. After I finished that pint, I noticed that all the cask bitter badges were turned around, facing away from the customers. This normally means that the beers are off. And so it proved.
Right, so it may well have to be a quick pint of John Smith’s smooth. But, before I ordered a pint of smooth, the barman asked if I would like to sample the Pale Ale. And why not I thought. A quick sample, although my taste wasn’t fully there, encouraged me to say, “go on then, I’ll have a pint of that.”
After the barman poured it and placed it on the bar, I would have fallen of my stool (if there was a stool at the bar) after his next announcement. “And that will be 5-0-5.” Trying my best to speak with my jaw dropped as far down as it would go, I said, “what? Is that the name of the drink, or is that what you are thinking of charging me?”
You will no doubt guess that the answer was the latter of the two options. Wow, £5.05p for a pint……in Hoole and not city centre!!! Is that the norm? Some will say it is. But bear in mind that I bought a similar pint of Pale Ale in a city centre pub for £2.05, then that price came as a shock. To say the least. A £3.00 difference!!! That’s incredible.
Anyway, you live and learn. Will I go in there and order the same pint again? What do you think?
Local Pubs Post Lockdown Update
A quick mention that the above was written before my website wobbles. See what I mean by this HERE. It may well be that the queuing and table booking are no longer required in the Oak and the Bawn Lodge. I don’t know, as I haven’t been in them since. I suppose that tells its own story. To my mind, the experiences of my last visits may well still be in place. Why wouldn’t they be? And as those procedures are still in place, then that’s not my cup of tea. If I get to hear that things have changed back to ‘normal’ then a revisit will be on the cards.
Since the earlier part of this, I have been in a few more pubs in the city centre. And, they have all been back to normal. In fact, one of them, The Oddfellows in Frodsham Street, was back to normal and beyond. I popped in for a quick half while walking past on Sunday just gone. No table booking, walk up to the bar and mingle if you want. The added bit to take it beyond ‘normal’ was that there was karaoke on.
That was great to see as it created a good atmosphere. It was quite lively in there – but not too packed. If it was chocca then I wouldn’t have gone in. A cracking atmosphere and some good singers. Did I have a go? I did in fact. I wasn’t going to but I put my name down for a “quickie.” What did I warble? Now that would be telling.
Again, this pub normality may not be to everyone’s cup of tea. But, it does give an alternative to booking tables.
Local Pubs Post Lockdown – A Few More To Mention

Yes, a few more local pubs post lockdown to mention. The Mill Hotel is normal service, so no queuing or table booking. All the bar staff wear masks if that’s a consideration for you. Only popped in for the one on Bank Holiday weekend. We’ve not been in there for about three years but, fair do’s, it’s been nicely refurbished.
Walking past the Lock Keeper on the canal and The Shropshire by the Town Hall, seemed to suggest that these were back to normal. We didn’t go in either but we had a look in. In fact, thinking about it, as it was the first Sunday of the month, “The Shrop” is probably back into the 70’s disco they used to put on before Covid. It looked well busy. And no doubt Trotter will have put on another great show with his 70’s disco spectacular. Note to self – I must make a note for the first Sunday in October.
Other pubs that seem to be back to normal are the Egerton, The Cottage and The Stanley in Brook Street, although, again, we haven’t been in those. The Queens Head and the two Wetherspoons are also, into ‘normal service resumed’ mode I believe. And, of course, The Flookersbrook is back to normal. In fact, it’s status hasn’t changed. It’s still permanently closed. Anyone know what’s going on there?
As I read this back, it is clear that it look like I do need to do a “Local Pubs Post Lockdown Part 2.” If not for any reader’s benefit then most definitely for mine. A difficult job some may say, but someone has to do it.
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Thanks for reading my latest blog post – “Local Pubs Post Lockdown” and thanks for visiting my Chester Lifestyle website. It is much appreciated. This post is not meant to be any advice, or recommendation, in trying to suggest which pubs to visit. Nor, has any of it meant to be any criticism if some of those visited weren’t my particular cup of tea. Just my own observations and thoughts.
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