When We Were Kids
Probably most of us look back on our childhood days with fond memories. All school holidays seemed to be days full of sunshine. Did it ever rain during the summer holidays? No doubt it did, but you can’t ever remember it did. When we were kids everything seemed rosy.
Outdoor Activities Only
You can just hear today’s youngsters say, “Not this again”. Well, like it or not, when we were kids in days not so long ago, all we did was play outside. What time were we allowed to play out until? Considering none of us really had a watch we still all knew what time to go home. And when exactly when was that? Quite simply, when the street lights came on.
Modern technology is great in many respects but on the flipside isn’t it a shame that we seem to have lost a whole generation to it. The youth of today (to coin a well used cliche) seem to be forever twiddling their thumbs and being fixated on the latest gadget. Whether that be the latest iPhone, or tablet, or whatever else youngsters twiddle their thumbs at.
When I was a lad (another well used phrase) we made our own entertainment. It seemed to be as simple as “Grab a football and have fun”. Nothing else seemed to matter. As well as playing football for hours on end, we also played “Kerby”, “Binny” and Head Tennis. In short, your imaginations ran wild when you had a football with you.
Not Only Football Though
Yes playing football was the most popular (and not just the lads either), but there were plenty of other activities. Playing cricket was also very popular. As was bunking onto the school’s tennis courts in the evening and pretending you were Rod Laver. Who?
Also, what about scrumping, playing Knick Knock or even playing conkers. When’s the last time you saw a young lad fly a kite? Or, a young girl make a daisy chain? And probably even more unlikely is seeing any youngster of today playing marbles. Do you remember some of the marble phrases? “Do you want baulks?” “Yes, mine is a sixer?” And calling ball bearings “Steelies”
In addition, two huge events during the year was Bonfire Night and the annual knocking on doors, Carol Singing. The build up to Bonfire Night was always eventful with rival streets taking it in turns to sabotage another street’s Bonfire building efforts. Ok, hands up, who was it that totally demolished ours in St. David’s Terrace every year?
Never a dull moment when we were kids. Probably the only time we did anything indoors was when we went to the baths, or went to the pictures. Not any old picture show at the local cinema though, but the classic Saturday morning “ABC Minors Club” The ABC in Chester later became Brannigans night club. But back in the 60’s it was overrun with young children every Saturday morning.

ABC Cinema, Chester
Hands up to those that can remember the theme song!! Of course you can remember it. Just in case you have forgotten some of the words, here’s a reminder……
The ABC Minors
It used to cost 3d (three old pence to get in), 3d on the bus, then a plate of chips in Woolies after – 9p!! Great days.
Chester Zoo and Much More
A very popular event for most schools in the 60’s it seems was the annual trip to Chester Zoo. The zoo of course nowadays has undergone huge changes and is hardly recognisable to the 60’s version. Gone are the old “clickity click” football stadium like turnstiles on Caughall Road. Nip through the turnstiles straight into the Aquarium. The zoo was still large enough though to know that you have walked some miles at the end of the day.
Another great annual event was the Christmas trip to the Royalty Theatre for the children of De Havillands workers. Nowadays, for De Havillands read British Airbus, or Airbus. It wasn’t only De Havilands though that held annual parties for employees children. I recall that Country maid Bakeries used to hold one as well. More often than not, it was held in the Saltney Youth Club at the top of Sandy Lane.
I had a really embarrassing moment at one of the Country Maid Christmas “do’s”. I’ve never really been known as Francis, but on this occasion my name was down as “Francis” for the annual bash. Like all seven year-old children, any Christmas gift triggered huge excitement. So, when it came to presenting us all with our Yuletide gift, I couldn’t wait to get it open. Imagine my horror when I discovered my present was a girl’s manicure set?
Yes, you’ve guessed it, they had my name down as “Frances” and not “Francis”. Stick!! Stick!! Boy, did I get plenty of stick for that!! No comforting arm around the shoulder in them days. Just a quick shrug of the shoulders from ‘Santa’ and a sort of, “just grin and bear it” response.
Oh well at least there was one winner in all this. My sister. She ended up getting two Christmas gifts!! Potentially scarred for life, but immaculate nails nevertheless.
De Havillands really looked after their employees it would seem. Because in addition to the annual Royalty Theatre jaunt, they also provided an annual “Family Open Day” every summer. This was a real popular event. Games for the children, donkey rides, a small, mini circus and ice cream galore it seemed.
Yes, it does seem that there were a whole load more activities to keep us occupied when we were kids. Nothing seemed too difficult as most of what we did came second nature – like playing football, cricket etc. We never had it so good. Hands up all those that would love the opportunity to jump into a time machine and just go back there for one day.
Happy Days
Happy days indeed. Today’s youngsters don’t know what they are missing. No doubt today’s youngsters get immense pleasure of what they get up to. But is it just me who thinks that our generation’s childhoods gave us so much more variety.
When We Were Kids
Dare I also say, when we were kids we had a lot more respect for our elders and authority generally. Obviously there are youngsters today that do have the utmost respect when and where it is required. But for those that don’t, there’s no obvious deterrent.
“When I was a lad”, as the saying goes, a quick clip round the ear from your Mum or Dad, or the local Bobby on the Beat didn’t do us any harm did it? Nor did a not so quick, “6 of the best” caning from your schoolteacher. Were they always smiling when swinging the cane? It always seemed so to me.
Have I missed anything out? I’m sure I must have done. Let me know of your own “When We Were Kids” experiences.
Things To Do In Chester
So many happy memories from the days when we were kids. Particularly at this time of the year – school holidays time. There are many things to do in Chester. If you’re looking for a few ideas, have a look HERE.
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