Welcome To Chester Castle
It’s just like waiting for a bus isn’t it. You wait ages for one blog post then 2 or 3 all come at once. What, you’re saying that you’ve not been waiting for my blog posts!!! Oh no, I’m deeply hurt. Who’d have thought that after these last 4 years you could be so cruel. Oh well, I enjoy writing them anyway, so at least I’ll get some enjoyment out of them. Anyway, my good pal John from Blacon has been in touch. And, as ever, he has provided me with a very worthwhile article for my Chester Lifestyle website. This one is time sensitive as this is going on this weekend. So, have a read of this “Welcome To Chester Castle” post.
Thanks again John – much appreciated.
Welcome To Chester Castle
John has sent me the following article about an opportunity that you can enjoy this weekend. A rare glimpse at Chester Castle. Have a read and if you are looking for something to do this weekend, then why not pop along. Entrance is free, so that’s worth noting isn’t it.
Anyway, here’s the article:

“The castle’s tower was the first stone gateway to Chester Castle, which was founded in 1070. The public is set to be offered a rare glimpse inside a historic Chester landmark. Chester Castle will open its doors to the public on Saturday, September 4 and Sunday, September 5, and offer a glimpse inside the 12th century Agricola Tower.
The tower was the first stone gateway to Chester Castle, which was founded in 1070 by William the Conqueror in the south-west part of the city. On the first floor, visitors will find the chapel of St Mary de Castro, which contains ‘exceptional’ wall paintings dating back to 1240.
A further climb up the stairs will take visitors to the wall-walk, where they can enjoy a stunning view of the city. A spokesperson for English Heritage said:
“Come and join us for a rare opportunity to see inside Chester Castle. “We will be bringing the story of the castle to life with our knowledgeable volunteers highlighting aspects of medieval life. “You will also have the chance to view conservation in action , learning more about how English Heritage cares for its collection.”
Welcome To Chester Castle Open Day Event
As part of the open day event, entry to the castle will be free of charge, with opening hours between 11am and 3pm.
The Agricola Tower was re-opened to the public in the summer of 2017 and 2018 thanks to the efforts of volunteers supported by Chester MP Chris Matheson and Cheshire West and Chester Council. Then, in 2019, the tower closed so renovation work could take place, with lead flashing replaced on roof of the tower and handrails fitted for safety reasons.
The tower reopened in the summer of 2020 with tour groups finally able to enjoy the fantastic vantage point offering a unique panoramic view of the city and beyond. Views referred appear in an earlier Cheshire Live article : https://bit.ly/3tb3F1m“
So Much History In Our Lovely City
I don’t know about you but I don’t pay enough attention to our heritage and history. I do take some interest, but not enough as I should. Like so many, I don’t look up as much as I should while walking through town. Trips to places like the museum are too infrequent as well. I’m sure there are many others that are not as appreciative as they should be as to what is right under our noses.
Hopefully this “Welcome To Chester Castle” post will enthuse enough interest. Whatever you do, have a great weekend everyone.
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