We Are Not Alone
Now don’t get spooked. This post isn’t going to be a venture into the great unknown making claims of little green men trying to take over our world. Nor will it be a dive into the occult. Also, it will not be a mention of strange goings on, by strange people, in strange places. No siree, the people of Wrexham have their own websites for such things. (NB: Only kidding people of Wrexham – if indeed any people from Wrexham are reading this). It is, however, a recognition that quite simply we are not alone on this planet, in the real world.
And what I mean by that is, that the city of Chester, here in good old England is not the only Chester in the world. No way Pedro. Sorry, that’s not a clue by the way. There aren’t any in Spain. But there are plenty more in other parts of the world. “Go on, how many?” I can almost hear someone ask. Well, to be precise, there are another 36 places with the name of Chester in the rest of the world. Making of course, 37 in total.
You probably won’t be surprised to learn that the majority of the others are based in the USA. A grand total of 33 towns, cities, counties, or unincorporated communities (hmm….that’s an interesting title) called Chester in USA in fact. All in different States as you would expect. It wouldn’t make sense really would it to have more than one Chester in the one State. Although, to be completely accurate, there is a city and a county called Chester in at least one State.
We Are Not Alone
A bit like Chester, UK being the county town of Cheshire in the UK, the city of Chester is the county town of Chester, the County, in South Carolina. I’ve not doubled counted though. There is only one Chester from South Carolina included in the 33 from the USA.
So, where exactly are these other Chester’s apart from South Carolina? Carry on reading this, and subsequent posts, to discover where and at the same time we can embrace the exciting idea that we are not alone.
I’ve already mentioned that there are 33 locations in the USA with the name of Chester. But where else in the world? Has anyone from Chester UK heard of Chester in Jamaica? Or, Chester in Nova Scotia, Canada? What about Chester in Baja California Sur in Mexico? Nor me. But, fair do’s, they all exist. And in the true spirit of a global, more general domain extension like a ‘.com’ website, I feel it is well worth recognising and mentioning the fact.
So far I have found it intriguing to have a closer look at some of the other Chester’s. There are some interesting places without a doubt. For instance, as a little taster.
Chester In England Is Paired With……..

I’m not sure which department in our local council arranges the twinning with other towns and cities in Europe. Is twinning only confined to European countries by the way does anyone know? In the absence of any official local governmental pairing, I think I’ll embark on my own twinning programme. Oops sorry, if there may be 33 Chester’s in the USA reading this, should that read ‘program?’
A rolling out of the Chester, England red carpet to our namesakes across the pond, as they say, and beyond. Now I know what some of you may well be thinking. If we are rolling out the Chester, England red carpet, will our newly identified, non-UK cousins reciprocate? Hmmm…….interesting question. On that particular point, there’s only one way to find out. I’ll ask them.
Connections have been made already with some. Early days, but let’s see where it gets us and how it develops. Any other ideas in mind? Funny you should ask that. Who knows, they might even invite me over to compare notes? Mind you though, as flying may be a bit of a problem, I’ll have to make sure I’ve got plenty of air in my pushbike tyres.
Any volunteers to pop along with me to these digitally twinned locations? Imagine that. Replicating a Chester, England, local boozer pub crawl with one in Chester, Florida. Or Chester in California, or South Carolina? Chester in Nova Scotia Canada perhaps? Chester, Pennsylvania looks exciting. That’s it, I’m digging out my shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops for my Florida and California trips. And my snow shoes and skis for Nova Scotia.
Also though, of course, maybe we should be inviting people from our digitally twinned, other Chester’s, to visit us here.
Chester South Carolina Photo Courtesy Of
The photo above by the way was kindly provided by Liz, the Administrator, from the office of the Chester County Historical Society in Chester, South Carolina. The photo is of the Chester County Courthouse and was taken by photographer, Henry O Nichols, circa 1930. More to follow from Chester, South Carolina and other Chester’s in later posts. Watch this space as they say.
As most of you will probably know, a .com extension relates to a website of a more general nature. For instance, not country specific. like .co.uk; or government biased, like .gov.uk. In the very early days a .com meant ‘commercial’ but nowadays, it has more of a general application than being specifically commercial.
If this ‘.com’ version of Chester Lifestyle is to be getting a more general, cosmopolitan, international flavour, then that fits in with having a closer look at some of the other Chester’s in the world. While still mainly focusing on our own Chester of course. Also, it may mean a different sort of website can be developed for Chester in the UK on the ‘.co.uk’ domain extension? Any ideas? Answers on a postcard.
And as this post is in recognition of it being my 500th blog post here on ChesterLifestyle.com, who knows? Maybe now’s the time for full steam ahead for a masterplan of eventual world domination for the brand name of Chester Lifestyle. Cue, “der…..der….der”….organ music. Anyway, I digress.
Seriously though, as already stated, some blog posts about the other Chester’s in the world is in the pipeline. I think it would be quite nifty to see, in more detail, what they are all about. And, for instance, to see the history of how their name of Chester came about. Which Chester will I begin with? I think there’s a bit of a clue in this post. Also, I think it really is fascinating to know that we are not alone.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Howdy, y’all. Many thanks for reading my latest blog post – “We Are Not Alone” – it is very much appreciated.
As I say, this is my 500th blog post, so for those that may have stuck with me since my first blog post back in September 2017, a very special thank you. Also, of course, thank you for visiting the rest of my Chester Lifestyle website if you have had a look around some of my other pages and posts.
For all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics, then head on over to HERE.
Anyway, as Christmas is just around the corner……..
As This Is A Chester Related Website
As this is a Chester related website, you may be looking for the ideal Chester related gift for your loved ones. If so, then have a look at my Chester section of my new Etsy store. You can find out more about my Etsy store HERE.
Plenty of originally created downloadable digital artwork for you to have a look at HERE. And, as I say, a variety of Chester related products to choose from. Go on….you know you want to!!
Simple instantly downloadable images – an ideal gift for any occasion…..
Gifts like……an instantly downloadable image of Eastgate Street as seen from the Eastgate Clock.