Track And Trace Scam Alert
Another deep sigh to signify the frustration in the need to announce yet another Cheshire Police alert. Thanks go out to John from Blacon again in bringing this to our attention. It’s great that he keeps us up to date with these important messages. The frustration is that they are still coming thick and fast. This latest alert is regarding a track and trace scam alert.
Let’s find out more about John’s important message as provided to him by Cheshire Police.
Track And Trace Scam Alert

“The scammers have a new scheme.
NHS Track and Trace Service will NEVER ask you to pay for a test, ask for your bank details, passwords or PIN numbers.
NEVER share personal details if you are not sure who you are talking to.
Message Sent By Stephen Parr (Police, Community Support Officer Coach), Chester)
Additional information worth noting:
Covid-19 Test and Trace update, and recent Scams to be aware of.
With the launch of the recent Test and Trace initiative, and testing associated with the Regime, there has been a number of Scams appearing, with individuals being targeted, and being contacted by telephone and asked by a perfectly plausible con man (or woman) who will invariably sound “authoritative.” You may be asked to reveal your address and bank details, under the guise of a compulsory government backed test, requesting payment of £500.00 to carry out the test.
At No Point is any money required from the patient, for this is a free service.“
Yet again, this is such an important message to be aware of. And a very important message to be make others aware of. So, sorry to sound like a stuck record folks, but spread the word where you can.
John, however, has gone even further in his diligence. He has also provided an example of a typical script you may encounter in such a track and trace scam phone call.
Have a read of this and take note.
Track And Trace Scam Alert – Phone Call Example
As John announces:
“I have managed to obtain an actual example of transcript of a fraudulent attempt by scammers to impersonate an NHS Test and Trace Contact Tracer:
“Good morning, I’m calling from the NHS Test and Trace Service. According to our system, you are likely to have been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This means that you now need to self-isolate for seven days and take a COVID-19 test.”
“OK. Can you tell me who that person was?”
“I’m not able to tell you that. That is confidential information.”
“Right. Um… so ….”
“But you do need to be tested within the next 72 hours. So can I just get the best mailing address so that we can send a kit to you?”
“OK (gives address)”
“Thank you – and I just need to take a payment card so that we can finalise this and send the kit to you.”
“Sorry – a payment card? I thought this was all free?”
“No – I’m afraid not. There is a one-off fee of £500 for the kit and test results. Could you read off the long card number for me, please, when you’re ready.”
“No – that’s not right. This is part of the NHS so there’s no charge.”
“I’m afraid there is. Can you give me the card number please – this is very important, and there are penalties for not complying.”
It is important you be aware that the NHS test is free, as is the test and trace service. Please be careful when answering such calls“.
Lengths Scammers Go To
It is amazing the lengths the scammers go to isn’t it. We’re lucky in having these updates from John. They are invaluable. This track and trace scam alert is vital. You really need to be switched on to this and make your friends and neighbours aware as well.
As ever, stay safe one and all.
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Coronavirus News
As the scam is coronavirus related the article has also been posted to my Coronavirus News category. To see all posts in this category, click HERE.
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