Three Pubs Reopening
Good news if you like a trip to the pub. And even better news if you fondly remember these pubs I’m about to mention. As the article heading says, three pubs reopening in Chester in the not too distant future. As well as being good news for the punters, does this also mean a shot in the arm for the industry. “Only” three pubs maybe but does this suggest an upward trend, or is this a one-off. Or even a three-off. You’ll know what I mean.
Anyhoo, what are the details of the three pubs reopening?
Three Pubs Reopening

In no particular order necessarily apart from my experience of them, the three pubs reopening are The Falcon; George and Dragon and the Lock Vaults. One of them is well known to me, one sort of well known and the last, but not least, not known to me at all really.
The Falcon is the one well known to me. A really popular pub back in its heyday. I remember it’s reopening in 1982 so very well. I happened to be there on the first day of its opening. Although I’m not a lager drinker, the landlord (Glynne) managed to talk us into trying a pint of Ayinger Brau lager. That was a strong, lively option.
But of course as a Sam Smiths pub, it is, and will continue to be, a popular venue for real ale fans. I wonder if the new landlord will open the upstairs as well? Back in the 80’s and 90’s in particular the pub was well busy with both floors well populated.
And let’s not forget how good it will be to have such an iconic and historical building accessible to the public again. The Falcon is steeped in history. Have a read of this Cheshire Live article to give a more detailed rundown of its history.
The Falcon is due to reopen on 13th November. And in case you didn’t know, you can find The Falcon on the corner of Bridge Street; Lower Bridge Street; Grosvenor Road and Pepper Street.
Three Pubs Reopening – Where Else?
Another to get a mention is the George and Dragon on Liverpool Road. I’m not sure how long it’s been closed nor when it is due to reopen. Their website is live though and it will be worth checking it out for updates.
This was a pub sort of well known to me. I used to pop in now and then, but not as a regular. A good pub though. In a way, given that in its latter years it was known as a popular venue for students, I’m surprised it struggled, given its close proximity to the Uni. Anyway, lets hope its reopening will herald a new beginning for students and non students visitors alike.
Last But Not Least
The final pub to mention is the Lock Vaults on Hoole Lane. Is it in Hoole or Boughton? On the fringes of both I guess. A pub not known to me at all really. In fact, I’d only ever been in there once ever before. But when it reopens after its £400k refurbishment in early December, it looks like one to add to my list to visit. Details of the refit and what to expect can be seen in this Chester Standard article.
Another pub with a great catchment area. Not only from local residents either. As it’s right on the canal, plenty of potential for barge visitors as well I reckon. And for those many walkers taking a stroll along the canal.
The photo above was taken earlier today. There was plenty of activity going on inside and it looks like all is taking shape.
All in all, great news that these three pubs are reopening. Let’s hope they are all a great success.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – Three Pubs Reopening. Great news to add some more quality options for us to consider when thinking of a cheeky one or two, or a bite to eat. Good luck to all of them.
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