Thoughts Of The Day
Another decent weather day in Chester it would seem. As decent as the weather was, it is not the weather that occupies our thoughts of the day. Nothing spectacular happened really. Well, not to me anyway. It’s just that some days you are more aware of what is going on around you. Today was one of those days. It’s strange how relatively small, insignificant things capture the attention.
As it was a nice day, I thought I’d take a cheeky little bike ride. A bike of the bicycle variety, not one of your “scare the hell out of you”, Ducati 1098s white knuckle ride, motorbike variety.
NB: For those that know me, you will know that I know nothing about motor bikes. So, yes I did look up a name of a fast motorbike on Google. Anyway, all you motorbike riders and vehicle drivers. Take extra care when passing a plodding cyclist in a bright yellow, fluorescent top. It’s bad enough blowing for air when cycling up hill and/or against the wind. Dodging speeding cars and motorbikes is a hazard I can well do without!!
Thoughts Of The Day
Well what were the thoughts of the day? Only a few really. One thought was noted when cycling into town up Brook Street. I’m not an advocate for cyclists cycling on the pavement. It really winds me up when so many cyclists do it going over Hoole Bridge. But, when you cross over the lights towards Brookdale Place from Brook Street, cycling on the pavement is unavoidable. I’m not sure if it was deliberate or just an oversight by the Council. But, there is no real specific provision for cyclists on Brookdale Place.
So, you either have to dismount, or cycle past pedestrians. Fortunately the footpath is very wide and being the very careful cyclist that I am….ahem…ahem.. I go extra slow and stay well clear of pedestrians. As I say, I wonder if this shared use of Brookdale Place between cyclists and pedestrians was intended, or an oversight?
Aren’t Some Of Our Roads Bad
You obviously notice how potted and choppy roads are when driving. But believe me, you notice them more on your pushbike. Not having cycled down all roads today, I am not saying that all roads are bad. But the ones that caught my eye (and my front wheel!!) were in Hoole. Phillip Street looks as though the road really needs sorting out. As does Ermine Road. No doubt there are several more in other parts. This is just an observation though, not necessarily a criticism.
How Beautiful Is Grosvenor Park In The Autumn

Places to visit – Chester Grosvenor Park
I often find that Grosvenor Park is under used. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems very quiet on many occasions I cycle through there “Oy, you in the fluorescent, yellow top, get off your bike. You’re not supposed to be cycling through here!!”. So, as I was saying. While walking through Grosvenor Park, I couldn’t help but notice how quiet it was. But more importantly, how beautiful it was. There is something special about walking (not cycling!!) through the Park at any time. But, there seems an extra special feel about it in Autumn.
Out of the Park and along the Groves for a seat by the bandstand has an almost therapeutic feel about it. We are so lucky to have such beautiful spots right on our doorstep to relax in.
Papa Johns Pizzas
Another thing I noticed today was an unexpectedly high number of Papa John delivery bikes bombing about. I wonder why I mused. Ah, got it!! Pizza deliveries in the middle of the day can only mean one thing. The students are back!! Let me take this opportunity to welcome back all of our student visitors. Best of luck in your studies to all of you. It was noticeable how many students were knocking about in the city centre today. I don’t know about you, but I feel that the influx of students adds a certain extra vibrancy to the city.
For those of us old enough to remember Chester University as a Further Education College, it is incredible to see how education in the city has developed. If you haven’t seen our article on the rise of Chester University, you can read about it HERE. Chester University has added so much to our city. Long may it continue.
My thoughts of the day are maybe not particularly exciting, but as I said earlier, some days you are more aware of what’s going on around you than others. Today was one of those days.
Anything exciting happened to any of you today?