The Way We Were? Not Yet
I popped into town on Sunday for the first time for a couple of weeks or so. Yes, it’s changed a fair bit since my last jaunt into town. But is it back to the way we were? The answer to that is a big “not yet” methinks. No big surprise there really.
The Way We Were?
Significant changes could be seen on almost every street where there are pubs of course. Merely by the fact that pubs (well most of them) are now open. I do normally like a cheeky one or two on a Sunday I must admit, but I wasn’t tempted on Sunday.
Walking past some of the pubs you could see the sanitisation stations where you can sanitise your hands on entry. That looked a bit weird. But nothing you can’t get used to.
Talking to a pal of mine who frequents a fair few pubs and he confirmed it wasn’t anywhere near the way we were yet. As a regular, almost daily pub goer he was saying that in the main, pubs were still very quiet. The first weekend of the big reopening was busy he said in some pubs. But now, pubs are very quiet in the main. To the extent that quite a lot of pubs close at around 8pm.
Is this going to be the way forward for some pubs? Only time will tell.
The Way We Were – This May Be A Goer?
One thing he found to be a big improvement was the table, bar staff service. I remember a pub in Crosby called The Crows Nest used to have a table service many years ago. In a wooden panel behind your seat was a buzzer. After pressing it a member of the bar staff would appear and take your order. It was novel back then. And a nice touch to be honest.
My pal was saying that he found that to be an appealing change. A bit of a continental touch I suppose. In some pubs it may be a way forward as something to continue when we are more back to normal. Not only for the customers. A member of the bar staff takes your drinks order and returns with the drinks and a variety of coins and notes for change. Would this encourage customers to leave more tips more regularly? I think it would. Everyone’s a winner.
The Way We Were – Long Way To Go For Shops

Wandering through the Grosvenor Precinct was a bit alarming. So many empty shops in there now. I know there were already a fair few closed before lockdown, but since lockdown, Foot Locker and Clintons have now permanently gone. Millies (the cookies place) was also closed but I think this is a temporary situation.
In particular, the closure of Foot Locker was a bit of a shock and a shame. I remember a good friend of mine being the manager there back in the 80’s. He now lives in Finland. He was a bit surprised and reflective when I sent him the photo above. Sad times.
How long will it be before the retail industry returns to the way we were? Who knows? In fact, will it ever? I’ve already done a few blog posts on this subject. To have a read of the first one have a look HERE.
Even prior to lockdown, many retail outlets were already feeling the pinch. Mainly due to the rents rather than say, business rates – as another of my blog posts discussed HERE. As stores are still closing despite the Government’s NNDR related grants, it can only be assumed that the final nails, so to speak, are a combination of the rents and the huge drop in footfall. Stating the obvious maybe, but it shows that it is so severe, some retail outlets are not going to stick around to see if things do improve.
As I say, will the shops ever return to the “way we were?”
Retail Outlets And An Idea For A Way Forward
Let’s hope so. But maybe there will need to be a bit of a retail think tank – for want of a better label. Maybe a get together (or regular get togethers) between representatives from the retail sector, the local authority and landlords.
And, thinking about it, as parking is a big consideration and concern, someone from Cheshire Police. Also, and now really going the extra mile, someone from the sector of people who really, really matter. A typical, local shopper. A member of the public who can relay the thoughts and the views of the those that really matter – the shoppers.
Now I’m on a roll. If it was worth going the whole hog (a bit of a clue). Let’s include representatives from the food outlets and the pubs and bars.
A full bifters get togethers. Or, two separate groups if all those sectors is too much.
Anyway, just an idea. It may be worth further consideration. Let’s see hey.
The Way We Were – Fingers Crossed
A quick update and an idea as a possible way forward thrown in. Who said men can’t multitask? Hopefully and with fingers crossed we will not return to the way we were a few months ago before lockdown. Let’s hope we return to the days that don’t seem that long ago where all of our retail locations are occupied. One can only hope.
Thanks for reading folks and thanks for visiting my Chester Lifestyle website. It’s much appreciated.
And, very importantly, stay safe everyone.
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