The Plot Thickens
Cue dramatic music – da, da, daaarrhh!! The plot thickens as the heading says. But what is the plot? In actual fact it isn’t a continuing plot, but it is a continuation of a fascinating theme of books written by Chester born author, Bryan Lawson. Followers of my website will be familiar with Bryan’s books as I have mentioned them before. See the link to Bryan’s earlier books below and, to find out a bit more about Bryan, also have a look at his brief bio below.
The theme of books happen to be about Bryan’s gripping crime mysteries focusing on the exploits of the intrepid investigators, Drake and Hepple. And as Bryan is from Chester, most of the plots are set in Chester and surrounding areas.
As the Drake and Hepple plot thickens, what is Bryan’s latest book all about? Carry on reading to find out more.
The Plot Thickens – Dangerous Knowledge
The latest Drake and Hepple crime mystery is called Dangerous Knowledge. Set in Chester, our heroes Drake and Hepple are looking to solve this mystery.
“The badly mutilated body of a woman floats down the River Dee in Chester and disturbs evening drinkers at a popular pub on the riverbank. Detective Chief Inspector Drake and his sergeant, Grace Hepple, investigate. Their first problem is that it proves almost impossible to identify the victim, and nobody has reported a missing person.
She is identified as a highly successful painter. Her paintings sell well in Chester and the Far East. It is not long before Drake follows in her dangerous footsteps. Drake and Hepple are soon working on a confusing mystery. They discover a world in which they have no experience. It seems art has a dark side. It is run by ruthless crime syndicates working across at least three continents.
Gradually, the victim’s tortured personal life begins to emerge. Drake and Hepple also discover a curious quasi-religious sect. It has had a disastrous effect on the victim’s life. But has it also had a hand in her death?
Indeed, the plot thickens.
I’ve briefly mentioned a bit about Bryan above. Let’s find out a bit more.
Bryan Lawson The Author
“Bryan Lawson was born and brought up in Chester. He went to Cherry Grove School and the Grammar School. His older brother lived in Chester much more recently and Bryan has been visiting for many years. He has fond memories and affection for the his home city.
He went on to be an academic at Aston University and eventually Dean at Sheffield University. In his first novel he invented Deva University. This was because a lot of action takes place there and characters are invented there. Quite clearly, to have used Chester University would not have been appropriate. This follows in an excellent tradition set up by the wonderful author David Lodge who was professor of English at Birmingham University. He wrote several novels based in an imaginary University called Rummage.”
A short Bryan bio. If you like Bryan’s books and would like to find out even more about him, and follow him more closely, you may be interested to see the following:
More About Bryan Lawson
Facebook Page – Bryan’s Facebook page can be found HERE.
Facebook Group – If any readers are interested, Bryan is a member of a terrific Facebook Group called UK Crime Book CLUB (UKCBC).
UKCBC has 27,000 members, who are mostly avid readers of Crime Mysteries etc. There are also a good number of authors as members. If people like Crime Books they can get lots of ideas from it.
They also hold live interviews with authors on the site and people can ask questions to be answered live during the interview. Bryan has taken part in a couple of interviews. It’s a good resource for crime mysteries enthusiasts.
Bryan’s Website – Bryan’s website tells you even more about Bryan. You can see details of all of his other books and a lot more.
The Plot Thickens – Where Can We Buy Dangerous Knowledge
Hmm……good question. As it happens, and in true Blue Peter style, here’s one I prepared earlier. Check out the link below:
Drake and Hepple Dangerous Knowledge
With Christmas nearly upon us, a great gift idea for the crime mysteries enthusiasts in your life.
And as for Bryan’s other books, you can read more about them in my previous posts in my Culture blog category.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – The Plot Thickens, a mention of Chester born author, Bryan Lawson’s latest book, Dangerous Knowledge. Another fascinating book of intrigue and mystery from the Drake and Hepple series.
To see all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics, then visit HERE.
And going off on a complete tangent and as this is Chester related website. Here’s another “help support a local small business” section. And somewhere you can shop safely and securely.
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