Stoptober 2024 Is Nearly Over
Only a few days left folks of October. Which also means, only a few days remaining of Stoptober 2024. I was hoping to post this earlier in October but for a bit of website technical things to sort out, I’ve been holding back on posts recently. What do you mean you hadn’t noticed!!! I’m hurt……ish!! Seriously though, Stoptober 2024 is nearly over. So, if you haven’t already, you can use the month of October as motivational assistance to quit your smoking habit. Go on, you know you want to.
Stoptober 2024

I say you want to in a light-hearted way but obviously many smokers don’t. Even though it is getting more and more difficult to enjoy a ciggie in public places, there are smokers everywhere who still enjoy a quick smoke now and then. Stating the obvious, it is all about personal choices, so there are many who will continue no matter how many Stoptober’s there are.
But the annual focus and heightened profile on a month to ‘give it a go’ is motivational. Stoptober wasn’t around when I used to smoke. And to be honest it was a lot harder to resist having a crafty smoke then as there were very few restrictions or limitations.
Those of a certain age will remember only too well the widespread advertising back in the day, so to speak. The full page magazine advertising picture of an airline pilot with a recently lit Rothmans (a posh ciggy when I was a smoker) wedged between his index and middle finger for instance. Cigarette advertising was all around you. And of course, the public places you could smoke were nowhere near as restricted as they are nowadays. No Stoptober but I did manage to quit smoking though.
Februstop 1982
As you’ve probably guessed from the sub title, I quit in February 1982. At 8:45am on 1st February to be more precise. Apart from showing my age, remembering that date and time clearly has some significance for me.
So, my quitting was more of a Februstop. I’ll not bore you with you with the details of the ultimate decision and build up, but suffice it to say, what a great decision I made.
Those that have managed to quit will tell you the same. Not to put too dramatic point on it, but it is a life changing decision. Now I’m not one for telling people how to live their lives, but if there is a hint of wanting to stop, then give it a go. Stoptober 2024 is there to help. And there is other support all around you know. For instance, have a look at the support available HERE.
If you are looking to give up smoking then I wish you well. You won’t regret it if you do.
Anyway, first post for a while so I’d better crack on. I’ve some interesting more local posts lined up, so let’s get moving.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for visiting my Chester Lifestyle website and thanks for reading my latest blog post – Stoptober 2024 Is Nearly Over. A key decision if you try to quit smoking. I wish you well with your endeavours.
Right, moving forward, some more local posts to follow. For instance, we’re heading towards that time of the year again aren’t we.
To see all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics, then visit HERE.
And going off on a complete tangent and as this is Chester related website. Here’s another “help support a local small business” section.
As This Is A Chester Related Website
As this is a Chester related website, you may be looking for the ideal Chester related gift for your loved ones. If so, then have a look at my Chester section of my new Etsy store. You can find out more about my Etsy store HERE.
Plenty of originally created downloadable digital artwork for you to have a look at HERE. And, as I say, a variety of Chester related products to choose from. Like this artwork image of Chester Bandstand in The Groves: