Spring Is Nearly Here
Hasn’t this winter seemed to be a lot longer than other years? It has for me. I think maybe it’s because the weather has been truly awful for so long. Even as recently as yesterday. It was cold, wet and fairly miserable. In previous years we also seemed to have some half decent weather in February. Not this year. But, hopefully, some good news on the weather front soon. No, I’m not a weather guru so this is not my forecast. It’s just that I noticed the weather forecast on the TV while having a cheeky snifter yesterday afternoon in Hoole. Are we really going to see an upturn in the weather? Can we say, at last, Spring is nearly here? Let’s hope so. And let’s be honest, we could all do with a bit of a boost couldn’t we.
And if Spring is nearly here what can we expect to see or do? As we live in such a beautiful city the short answer to that is plenty no doubt. Also, let’s not forget about our status as Staycation of the Year award in 2021. As if we could or as if we should. In case you need a reminder have a read of this HERE.
Spring Is Nearly Here

With lighter nights and better weather on the horizon let’s bang a few drums shall we. I’ll post a few articles over the next coming days/weeks to highlight some of the key events or occasions coming up.
To start the ball rolling you can’t really mention things to do in Chester without mentioning our world famous Chester Zoo. Regular visitors to my website will know I’m a big fan of Chester Zoo. Like so many others no doubt. So, what can we expect from our world famous attraction in the coming weeks and months?
I must admit, for one reason or another, I haven’t been for some time. What with Covid, lockdowns, bad weather etc it has been difficult. And of course in all that time there have been some new babies welcomed to the world and to Chester Zoo over the last year or so.
The best way to announce these new, most welcome additions is to point you in the direction of the relevant page on the Chester Zoo website. You can see details of these fascinating and fantastic births in this link HERE. The first birth in this link was, coincidentally, exactly a year ago today – 14th March 2021. It saw the arrival of a new baby Okapi. From there on there have been many more as you will find out by checking out the link. Some great videos in the link as well.
And if you are planning a visit then check out how to plan your visit by checking out this page HERE. If you’re not planning a visit…..then why aren’t you!!! Only kidding. The Zoo may not be for everyone but for Zoo lovers it’s a fantastic day out.
Going forward, I’ll keep an eye out for any more forthcoming events. So, watch this space.
Stay safe everyone.
Chester Zoo On Chester Lifestyle
As mentioned above, I’m a bit of a Chester Zoo fan. As you will see from these links. There is a Chester Zoo page and a Chester Zoo blog category. Check these out for even more information on Chester Zoo.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – “Spring Is Nearly Here” – and thanks for visiting my Chester Lifestyle website. It’s much appreciated. To see all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics then have a look HERE.
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