Random Acts Of Kindness Day
Here’s something that is new to me. No doubt many of you are already aware of it. However, I’m sure there are many who aren’t familiar with it. Did you know that this week is Kindness Week in many parts of the world. And did you know that this Friday, 17th February is also known as “Random Acts Of Kindness Day.”
When you think about it the idea is such a simple concept but yet it carries a very powerful message. Not only a positive message. It also allows people to do something kind that will also make them feel good as well as the recipient of the act of kindness.
Let’s find out a bit more about “Random Acts Of Kindness Day” and let’s also have a look at some suggestions of how we can share our own kindness.
Random Act Of Kindness Day

The inspirational “Random Acts of Kindness Day” is aimed at looking to encourage acts of kindness within society. On this day the aim is to inspire people to be generous and kind by performing gracious and kind acts. For instance, some ideas include donating to charity, recycling, or simply being considerate to friends and neighbours. Random Acts of Kindness Day was initially established in New Zealand in 2004. It was first celebrated in 2008 by the Victoria Foundation and is now observed annually on February 17th.
But what can you do on Random Acts of Kindness Day? Have a look at these examples. These aren’t exhaustive of course. You may well have some of your own ideas. And credit to you. The ideas below are simply suggestions. Have a read anyway.
Random Acts of Kindness Day Ideas
In no particular order, what about:
1. Help someone with packing their shopping.
2. Give a gift to a friend.
3. Ask a neighbour if they need any shopping.
4. Offer to babysit for a friend’s children for a while to give them a bit of a break.
5. Offer to walk a friend’s or neighbour’s dog.
6. Tell people close to you how much you love and appreciate them.
7. Go that extra mile with helping with the household chores.
8. Help a friend get active by asking if they would like to go out for a walk.
9. Let someone close to you know that you are proud of them.
11. Tell a friend that you are thankful for their friendship.
12. Send a motivational text to a friend who is struggling.
13. Tell someone a joke to cheer them up. For example, “Did you know there are 3 types of people in the world. Those that are good at Maths and those that aren’t!!” Simple, bit should bring a smile. And it’s clean!!
14. Send an inspirational quote to a friend. One of my favourites ever is the classic John Lennon quote of, “Everything will be OK in the end. If it’s not OK then it’s not the end.”
16. How about sending an interesting article to a friend……ooh, let me think. Oh, I know, send them a link to this article!!
17. Help make a shop assistant’s day more enjoyable by engaging in conversation with a shop assistant when paying at the till.
18. Spend time playing with your pet. Our own “Fab Four” get a load of fuss anyway, but what the heck, I’ll spoil them a bit more.
That’s a fair few to be going on with. Oh, hang on, I’ve just thought of some more.
Random Acts Of Kindness Day – Some More Ideas
- Offer to do some voluntary work in your local community.
- Call someone you haven’t spoken to for a while.
- Make a donation to a charity.
- Offer a friend or a neighbour a lift to anywhere they may wish to go to.
- Go the extra mile and welcome that new staff member. Get to know them.
- Offer to lend a listening ear – listen to your colleague who is having a bad day.
- Say good morning to everyone you engage with.
- Give praise to your colleague for something they’ve done well
- If it’s raining – lend someone your umbrella.
- Take someone out for lunch instead of eating at your desk.
- Give up your seat on the bus or train to an elderly, disabled or pregnant person.
- Put a surprise cup of tea or coffee with a biccie on a work colleague’s desk.
- Buy a sandwich or a hot drink for a homeless person. And if they have a pet dog with them, don’t forget a bag of doggy biscuits.
- Have a conversation with a homeless person. Make them feel special.
- Help a mother carrying her push chair down the stairs or hold the door for her.
- Send someone you know a picture of a cute animal.
How Will You Show An Act Of Kindness
A few ideas above. And as I mentioned earlier, you may already have a few ideas of your own. You get the drift no doubt anyway. Me? What am I doing? I’ll be making my regular visit to an 86 year-old neighbour, have a quick coffee and sort out the world with him. Oh, and later that night I’m out with a pal of mine who happens to follow a certain footie team. I promise not to mention Monday night’s game to him!!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy Friday and more importantly you enjoy spreading kindness on “Random Act Of Kindness Day.”
For more information and even more ideas have a look HERE.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – Random Acts Of Kindness Day. I hope you found the information useful. And, as I said, if you can spread the word to others if necessary, then please do so. To see all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics, then visit HERE.
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