Oh What A Night
What a song. Oh What A Night by Frankie Valli. Or was it Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons? Either way, what a song. One of what I would call “dancing around your handbags” song. A song that was so very, very popular back in the 70’s and beyond. It was released by Frankie Valli back in 1975. Wow, that long ago. The year of my ??th birthday. Actually, no reason to be coy about my age. The year of my 18th birthday. Oh, when I was a lad and all that.
However, “Oh What A Night” could be seen as something more than a Frankie Valli song. It could describe so many epic nights dancing around handbags back in the 70s and 80s and early to mid 90s (I ran out of nightclubbing steam after that).
So why the mention of it now? Well read on and you’ll find out.
Oh What A Night

Somebody sent me some information about an up and coming event in January 2024. “Oh What A Night” revisited and a bit more maybe. Here’s the proposed idea as it was sent to me. Talk about a night of nostalgia!! Read on…..
“If you remember Quaintways, playing out, jumpers for goalposts, the Corona pop van then this is the event for you!
Dress up and get down to the best music ever – come along and dance with people who were actually there rocking and bopping away in the 1960’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and join me for the first Rosie’s Nightclub night for the over 50’s.
I have been working with Rosie’s Nightclub to introduce a new club night aimed at the 50+ age group and we believe this is the first of its kind in the North West of England.
Music requests are welcome.
You (and your friends) are invited to come along and join me on Thursday, 25th January 2024 from 8.30 and dance until 3am.
Pay at the door – its £8 entry – no need to book.
Rosie’s Nightclub is located on Northgate Street, Chester. Formerly known as Quaintways the venue hosted many big names including – Thin Lizzy, Fleetwood Mac, Slade, Uriah Heap, Judas Priest and the Sex Pistols.
Please feel free to share.”
Oh What A Night – What, No Double Diamond?
It sounds like a great night in prospect. So much to remember. So much to relate to in that snippet above.
Jumpers for goalposts? Yes.
Corona Van? Oh yes, every Wednesday afternoon. And money back when you returned the empties.
Dress up? Lionel Blair’s, Penny Round Collar Shirts and Tank Tops. Time to raid the wardrobe…….and breath in!!
Quaintways? Most definitely yes. Quaintways, aka The Jazzy. Monday night rock nights. Brilliant. Also, what about Kings; Tiffanys; Cinderella and Rockefeller; Rendezvous; Champers: Blimpers; The Alpine; The Silhouette; Monroes, Images…etc; etc; You name them. I’ve danced around many a handbag in all of them and more. Those were the days. Great memories.
And as for song requests? Where do we start? Or stop? Just a few to recall. The first song as I remember in Kings on a Sunday night, “Rock The Boat” by Hues Corporation. The last song? Very often that would have been “Rock Your Baby” by George McRae. So many in between. Many a pair of pants were destroyed by everyone doing “Oops Upside Your Head” by the Gap Band.
And what about “Do The Hustle” by Van McCoy?
Too many to mention. What an era. What great nights. Champers, 15p to get in on a Wednesday night. Double Diamond, 15p a pint on a Monday, live band night. Homework? What homework? I could go on but I’d get too carried away.
Fair do’s. I really hope the night planned for 25th January goes ahead and is a success. Why wouldn’t it be? A late bar as well!! I wonder if they sell Horlicks?
Date In The Diary
Definitely a date in the diary for those that remember the era. It should be a brilliant night. And if it is a success, what then? A regular over 50’s night? The mind boggles.
However, one of several dearly departed iconic venues that will be off the radar will be the “Hole In The Wall” in Brook Street. Hands up who regularly ordered, Cottage Pie, Chips and Peas served in a silver rectangular container at silly o’clock?
I take my hat off to whoever is organising this event. I hope it is a success. And don’t forget, dancing around handbags should be compulsory!! And Oops Upside Your Head!!
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – Oh What A Night. I really hope it is a successful night. Some great music, beer at 1970s prices (only kidding…I wish!!) and some great company.
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