Notting Hill Of The North
Many will know exactly what this article title is referring to. Notting Hill of the North is an often used label given to describe Hoole. The very popular and interesting suburb on the outskirts of Chester city centre. There are some who don’t like this description. Only last week, during a conversation with a local neighbour in Hoole, they expressed a dislike of the label. There are others who welcome it though. And there are of course those that are indifferent to it.
One of the reasons for this latest post is in response to an article in the Liverpool Echo, also entitled Notting Hill Of The North. Well, to be more precise, I just used the same article title. To the residents of Hoole, myself included, Hoole is indeed a special place to live in, socialise in and shop in. Everything you need in simple walking distance. A really ideal location. So, what did the Liverpool Echo have to say about the “Notting Hill Of The North?”
Notting Hill Of The North

The simple way to find out how the Liverpool Echo portrayed the Notting Hill Of The North is to actually read the article. In case you didn’t know, the link is in the article title in the line above this. The article did mention that in Faulkner Street, the main shopping area, you will find everything a traditional British high street should have. A fishmonger, a butcher, a grocer, a hardware store, several nice pubs and a decent chippy. It also mentions a couple of charity shops and a small Sainsbury’s.
But that’s not all. In Faulkner Street and beyond, let’s not forget the barber’s, the hairdressers, the Community Centre, the nail spa, the ice-cream shop, the unique gift shops, women’s clothes shop, a wedding dress shop, home entertainment retailers (hi-fi’s; TV’s etc), shoe repairers, the travel agents, the bookies, the restaurants, the coffee shops, the delicatessen, the florists, the estate agents, the herbal shop, opticians, sandwich shops, accountants, solicitors, financial advisors, computer repairs shop, off licenses, watch dealer, petrol station, motor repair garages, ice cream wholesaler, a trophy shop and the latest addition, a garden centre.
Still in the spirit of “that’s not all,” a trip down Lightfoot Street will also bring many more businesses to your attention.
Aside from these retail shops and service providers, let’s also remind ourselves of the many guest houses and small hotels, mainly found on Hoole Road as well as schools, churches, doctors, physios, dentists, parks, a bowling green and tennis courts. Virtually everything you can think of what’s needed in a local community.
Have I left any out? If I have apologies as I’m writing this off the top of my head. Next time I venture into the centre of Hoole, I’ll have a quick check and update accordingly if need be.
Hoole Local Businessess And Services
A more comprehensive recognition of what Hoole has to offer brings me on to the other reason for my article. Without a doubt the Liverpool Echo article was well received. And it helps to spread the word about the many amenities Hoole has to offer even further.
In order to continue spreading the word, it is felt that a few articles about these service providers will provide even more insight. Articles that will be written from my own and the experiences of others I know, of these establishments. Sort of add a bit more meat to the bones, so to speak. As well as providing more insight into these ventures, it will also give you an idea of how these businesses are received by the locals and how they serve the locals.
I’ve already written about a few. For instance, you may wish to have a read of these articles.
With Love From Hoole – a unique gift shop.
Hobsons Cafe In Hoole Community Centre
Faulkner Street – an article about a variety of some of the businesses available in the busy, popular street in the centre of Hoole.
The Groves – an excellent herbal shop in Charles Street.
Hoole Community Centre – a popular and valuable focal point in Westminster Road.
Hoole Christmas Lights – you can’t mention Hoole without giving a shout out to the Christmas lights. Always a really popular event well worth the visit.
Christmas isn’t that far away is it. So, with that in mind, it is my intention to give a shout out to more of the businesses we have on out doorstep. Again, the post will be written as identified from my own experiences. In an attempt to boost the profile of local businesses even more, I’ll add some of the businesses that I’ve had experiences with on my home page and in the Business Listings section for the 3 months or so build up to Christmas. So, keep an eye out as well on my home page.
Not Forgetting Other Suburbs
And of course, there are many other excellent suburbs of Chester well worthy of a mention. These will also get a shout out. But as Hoole is so very familiar to me, it makes sense to start with what’s right on my doorstep.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for visiting my Chester Lifestyle website and thanks for reading my latest blog post – Notting Hill Of The North. Hoole, a very popular Chester suburb that has so much to offer and a pleasure to live in.
To see all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics, then visit HERE.
And going off on a complete tangent and as this is Chester related website. Here’s the “help support a local small business” section.
As This Is A Chester Related Website
As this is a Chester related website, you may be looking for the ideal Chester related gift for your loved ones. If so, then have a look at my Chester section of my new Etsy store. You can find out more about my Etsy store HERE.
Plenty of originally created downloadable digital artwork for you to have a look at HERE. And, as I say, a variety of Chester related products to choose from. Like this artwork image of Chester Bandstand in The Groves: