Morrissey Says Hello
There’s been quite a bit of focus recently on our furry family members. When I say “ours” I mean all of us and not just our Fab Four. What with cat food warnings and dog theft markings alerts, we’re having to be on our toes when making sure our pets are OK. While having a look at all the postings in the “Pets Corner” category, I notice I haven’t introduced our gang. Or, as I call them, already touched on above, the Fab Four. So, I thought, why not introduce our furballs to my website. First in line is our Morrissey, or our Moz, or, The Chicken Monster, or as he is also known, “Little Lord Fauntleroy.” However you wish to address him, Morrissey says hello.
Our eldest and our first. This year, Morrissey is 14 years of age and hasn’t that time gone so very quickly. I remember his arrival so vividly. Initially, we never intended becoming pet owners. Actually, that term ‘pet owners’ is not an accurate label is it. We don’t own our pets. They are our furry, fellow family members. And our Morrissey is our “top boy” who has been an absolute diamond all the years we’ve had him.
Morrissey Says Hello

One night just over 14 years ago, I was parking my car outside our house when I noticed my youngest stepson, Joe, carrying a cardboard box walking towards our front door. As I got out of my car, I’d already sussed out what was in the box.
“Would I be right in assuming that there is a moggy in the box?” I asked Joe.
“I’ve only brought him home to show my Mum – we’re not going to be keeping him,” was Joe’s less than convincing reply. Famous last words. And the rest as they say, is history. And what a fantastic history so far and long may it continue.
Many people who have never had any pets, in particular cats, think all pets are the same. In other words, a cat is a cat and all cats are the same as any other cats. Not so at all. Having four cats, we can emphatically confirm that they all have their own, unique personalities. Our Morrissey for instance is the chilled one of the foursome. If they made smoking jackets for cats and cats smoked cigars, then Our Moz would be at the front of the “totally chilled out” queue.
We often say that Moz is a lover, not a fighter. I think if a mouse ever stood right in front of him, he would offer it something to eat and a bed for the night. Not so the other three.
Morrissey Says Hello After Celebrating His Birthday
Last week was a special occasion and a quick realisation of how quickly time passes. The 1st September was Morrissey’s 14th birthday. That was a special occasion. Well, it was for Our Moz and our family as he was spoiled with chicken and his favourite treats. As well as his numerous meals as well of course.
In addition though there was the recognition of him now being 14. Where have those years gone? As I would normally say, it’s only a number. And fair do’s, as Morrissey can still jump up onto that wall and give the youngest, Dotty, a good chasing, then there’s plenty more in the tank no doubt.
Anyway, I must go as his Lord and Master has just appeared and shouted his all too familiar instruction to his “hooman.” Time for food is it Moz? Let’s have a look. Yep, he’s sat by his bowl. So, I must dash.
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – “Morrissey Says Hello” – and thanks for visiting my Chester Lifestyle website. It’s much appreciated.
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