More Shop Closures
Last week the Chester Chronicle reported that the Disney Store is to close in the not too distant future. Sadly the headline of “more shop closures” may become more and more prevalent.
More Shop Closures

Disney Store – Foregate Street
But why is this happening? As the article in the Chester Chronicle suggests – read the full article HERE – there are various factors in place. Also, ultimately who is to blame for the closures? In fact, is there anyone to blame? For instance, the closure of stores like BHS was outside local control. However, there are many closures that appear to be due to local market forces.
Many have cited the reasons as being excessively high rents and rates. However, if this is the case then isn’t it about time the powers that be get together and try to find a way forward? If the reasons are known to the landlords and the local Authority then should they not look to address the closures? Maybe a “think tank” needs to be put in place to discuss the issues. This “think tank” could consist of the landlords, letting agents, the local Authority, local Councillors and marketing companies.
As well as rent and rates, parking also seems to be an issue. The end of free parking after 3pm may well be the death knell for even more businesses. If the likes of the Disney Store and Argos want out, what chance have smaller businesses got? Chester market traders have been particularly affected as a result of the opening of the new bus terminal. Was the new bus terminal absolutely necessary? If it was, then was the location the correct option? Many observers think it is only a matter of time before someone is hurt or worse as a result of the many buses making their way up Frodsham Street.
Chester Outskirts
As more and more businesses opt to locate on the outskirts, the city centre problems will escalate surely? Chester Greyhound Park, Broughton and Ellesmere Port appear to be the main beneficiaries. What is one attraction these locations have over Chester city centre? Yes, you’ve got it – free parking. Also, with two of those locations at least, easy access. Only the landlords, the letting agents and the local authority will know how the rent and rates compare.
Not All Bad News
Even though there are many outlets closing or relocating, there are some well established independents though that still survive. Why is that? Presumably this comes down to the quality of their product. Will Chester city centre’s footfall increase if another pound shop replaces the Disney Store? Probably not would be most people’s opinion. No disrespect to the pound shops though. Undoubtedly the local Authority and the landlords will be happy to see the empty stores occupied however. But what about the people who really matter – the shoppers.
The Way Forward
This is such a difficult call and way beyond the remit of this article. However we think that it is fair to say that if something isn’t done soon to arrest the situation then Chester city centre really will become a ghost town.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thank you for reading my “More Shop Closures” blog post. Hopefully there won’t be too many “more shop closures” articles to report on. Only time will tell. If you would like to see all of my other blog posts here on my Chester Lifestyle website, then have a look at this link HERE.
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