Merry Christmas One And All
With Christmas almost upon us may I take this opportunity to wish a Merry Christmas one and all. Let this Christmas be a time of fun, love, joyous moments and contentment. And plenty of footie of course. In short, I hope Christmas turns out to be everything you want it to be.
While we are all enjoying ourselves, let us not forget those less fortunate. I have already written about the homeless in another article. In case you didn’t read it, or would like to read it again, here’s a link to that original article HERE.
I know Christmas is an expensive time anyway, but when out shopping if you can buy an extra tin or two, then do so and place them in the food bank boxes provided in the supermarkets.
Aldi are getting into the spirit. As their stores will be closing at 4pm on Christmas Eve, they are going to donate any surplus food stocks to those less fortunate. Well done Aldi!!
Also, don’t forget those that have to work over the festive period. Hopefully your work shift goes swiftly and as hassle free as it can be.
Merry Christmas One And All

Merry Christmas One And All
Keeping to the Christmas traditions, the above looks at what we want for “Christmas Present.” But what about your experiences about “Christmas Past” and “Christmas Future?”
Christmas isn’t Christmas without Christmas songs.
On that note, here’s a couple of classics…Merry Christmas One And All…..
Isn’t it weird don’t you think that there doesn’t seem to be any (or many) new Christmas songs. Most of them are from the 70’s and 80’s. Here’s another classic….
Christmas Past
What was so exciting about your Christmas celebrations in years gone by?
Did you love your primary school Nativity play? Did you take part?
What about your very first smooch under the mistletoe? Did that very first, nervous peck develop into true love?
Something you don’t see much of nowadays is Christmas Carol singers door knocking street by street. I remember all of us kids in our street went out Carol singing. It was one of the highlights of the year.
Another festive highlight for me having attended a Catholic school and being an altar boy, was to see if you were selected for Midnight Mass duty. It was considered a privilege and an honour to be selected. After Mass we were allowed to open one pressie from under the tree before going to bed.
Any Catholic ex-altar boys enjoy the same experience?
What about Christmas morning itself? Any special ritual or family traditions?
Why not let us all know about what made Christmas so special for you when you were younger?
Christmas Future
Looking forward to Christmas future can mean so many different things, to so many different people. Some of us may look at a bigger political picture and hope for world peace. Will that ever happen? Who knows? There’s no harm in wishing for it though.
In future Christmases to come you may be planning for a big family event.
Someone’s big birthday perhaps?
Maybe you will be looking to retire from work?
You may be looking to move to sunnier climes? Or even take a well earned Christmas break abroad away from the cold and the wet or snow.
The extent of your Christmas Future wishes may extend to a quite simple wish that it snows at Christmas. And what’s wrong with that!! In fact good ‘ole Bing used to dream about it…..
What are you looking forward to in Christmas Future?
Again, why not let us know.
Once again, Merry Christmas One And All. I hope you have the Christmas you deserve and the one you have wished for.