Memory Lane-Let’s Take A Trip
What was it I was saying a couple of posts ago!! The enjoyment of a simple, quiet drink developing into an off the cuff, spontaneous debate. As it happens we had such a get together last Sunday. And as I say, it wasn’t planned. A normal, Sunday late afternoon soiree in The Cottage (or The Cottarrrge as some of the regulars call it). In actual fact a simple comment turned the afternoon into a right trip down Memory Lane.
What happened and how did it come about?
A Trip Down Memory Lane
There we were having a quiet snifter as you do and another couple of regulars came in at about 5pm. Nothing unusual in that. But as one of them, Shaun, was ordering the drinks he commented:
“I’ve just been walking through town and I notice that ‘so and so’ have closed”
I say ‘so and so’ because I can’t actually remember the business Shaun mentioned. After a series of tuts and groans and comments of, “that’s a shame”, the tone of the conversation changed suddenly.
We started to discuss how rent and rates affected city centre businesses. There was a misconception by some that the local authority had total control over local business rates. Or, as they are also known as – NNDR, “National Non Domestic Rates”. Rather than go into the mechanics of the NNDR charges, let’s just say the amounts charged are not all down to the local authority, although they may have discretionary powers to offer reliefs.
Rent for privately owned property on the other hand is very much down to the landlord. It is the rent that is the biggest noose around local businesses necks it seems. But again, rather than go into the detail of what we discussed and what we discovered some of the rents were on currently empty premises, let’s just say we did give it a good debate and suffice it to say, in some cases, the rents were…..Wow!!! How much??
Anyway, I’m digressing from the main topic. Back on track please.
Trip Down Memory Lane – Do You Remember
The above discussions regarding rent and rates did briefly get quite heavy. So, it was a good idea to move the subject on to a lighter discussion. After all we were in a pub on a Sunday afternoon supposedly enjoying ourselves.
It wasn’t long before we started to mention so many establishments that, sadly, are no longer with us. I can’t remember them all but a fair few from a variety of niches. Pubs, restaurants, shops and so on.
In some cases it was very much a Eureka moment to a large extent. Comments like, “oh yeah, I forgot about that” were common.
So, who got a mention? Who were entered into our Sunday afternoon Cottarrrge “A Trip Down Memory Lane” Hall of Fame?
As We Were In A Pub

Not a big surprise we discussed so many pubs as, after all, we were in a pub. Not just pubs though. Bars in general. And nightclubs were given a mention.
So which pubs were mentioned? You need to bear in mind that we may well have missed a fair few. This, of course, may well be as a result of our ages. I’ll use an example. A while ago somebody sent me an article about a pub in Northgate Street called The Woolpack. Now I can’t comment on that pub as I don’t remember it.
The pubs we mentioned are still, to many of us, very fresh in the memory.
Trip Down Memory Lane – The Pubs We’ve Lost
As I’ve mentioned Northgate Street, let’s have a pop down that particular Memory Lane. Hands up those that remember the Ship and Turtle? What a tidy little pub that was. Situated right next door to Quaintways nightclub, up on the row on Northgate Street. If you knew the staff or were cheeky enough you could get into the nightclub via the Ship and Turtle.
I can just hear some of you now. “Whoa, whoa…..back up a bit. Quaintways nightclub!! What’s that and where was that?”
Good question. Quaintways is today’s Rosie’s. After Quaintways, the nightclub was then known as Rendezvous. While Rendezvous, this was more my era. I was in my “dancing around the ladies handbags” pomp.
Pre “Dad Dancing” – boogying like a good ‘un. The Bump, me and my sister making up our own dance to Boney M’s song – Rasputin. And what about the Rowing Song? Ah……great memories!!!
Before leaving Northgate Street and although it is still there, who used to go to the Dublin Packet in the early to mid 90’s when Mike was the landlord? I’ve not been in there for a while, but back then it was a really popular pub and so well run by Mike. I’m not saying it’s not so today, it’s just that I don’t go in there anymore.
Chester Pubs Down Memory Lane – Bridge Street
Moving out of Northgate Street, take a quick stroll down nearby Bridge Street. How many pubs and bars have we lost down Bridge Street? Although not specifically Bridge Street as it was on the apex of Bridge Street and Watergate Street at The Cross, let’s recall The Deva. Nowadays it is called something like Amber Lounge I think?
Not my cup of tea as I prefer what I call normal, proper pubs. Maybe when I was younger in my boogying days. But today, not for me.
The Deva though was a proper pub. Back in the 70’s and 80’s (maybe not all of the 80’s) it was on two levels. The street level was the bar, while up on the row was the lounge.
A cracking pub.
Walking down Bridge Street, about 150 yards from The Cross on the right hand side, we had Barlows. OMG……what a pub!!!
Again, back in the distant past it was a two level pub. Downstairs the bar and up on the row, the lounge. Later it was only the street level. Back in the day I used to enjoy a few early doors with pals from Nickleby’s and Mehmet the Barlows landlord. I still see Mehmet now and then knocking about and we regularly have our own reminisce down Memory Lane. Top bloke.
Not Only Pubs-Don’t Forget Wine Bars
As already suggested, the extent of the reminisce also took in other establishments other than pubs. Like wine bars for instance. And what a wine bar Sir Edwards was. Right next door to Barlows on the other side of Commonhall Street.
A mention of Sir Edwards started a lengthier debate in that some of us remembered that Sir Eddies also sold beer, while one of their great competitors (Pierre Griffe’s – more on this later) only sold wine. Some of us thought that was the case while others felt it was the other way round. From my own memory banks I seem to recall that it was PG’s that only sold wine. I could be wrong.
Anyway, before we get into Lower Bridge Street, we used to have The Old Kings Head Hotel right on the corner of Grosvenor Road and Whitefriars. A Burtonwood pub if I recall. A few steps – about 3 or 4 – to enter on the Grosvenor Road side. A good pint of mild if I can recall.
Lower Bridge Street Memory Lane
Nowadays we will see The Falcon, The Kings Head, The Cross Keys and The Bear and Billet. Not so long ago it seems we had the added attraction of Clavertons. Clavertons was on the left hand side just after the convenience store that used to be called Mac’s Stores (owned by Coyle Marl).
To some it was a bit of a surprise that Clavertons was as popular as it was as the beer was……well…..awful!!! I’ll not name the brewery but those old enough will know what I’m talking about. Let’s just say their particular beers were an acquired taste in whatever establishment they served it in.
We all agreed that Clavertons saving grace was that they sold the quite potent Lowenbrau lager. Even us bitter drinkers drank Lowenbrau (Laughing Brew) as the bitter was pants.
Let’s not forget though what was there before Clavertons. What a pub The Talbot was. Back in that era, there were three very popular Scottish and Newcastle pubs in Chester. The Boathouse, The Vic and The Talbot. Many revellers in those days only did a Scottish and Newcastle pub tour.
Trip Down Memory Lane Part 2 Coming Soon
I’m not being rude folks but I’ve noticed I’m getting a bit carried away with this post. And there’s still loads more to cover to bottom out what we were discussing last Sunday. So, it would make sense to stop here and mention that this Memory Lane post thread is to be continued.
Will a Part 2 suffice? Or will we need to go beyond that? Let’s see if I get carried away in my next post. Looking forward to writing it already.
So, A Trip Down Memory Lane to be continued……..
Places To Visit In Chester
As we already know there are so many places to visit in Chester as well as the pubs and other bars. To give you a few ideas head on over to HERE.
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