Makers Market
Following on from the Hoole Festival the previous Sunday, there was another open air event to attract locals. This was held by Chester Railway Station in the Carriage Shed on Saturday (30th September). This one was organised by the Makers Market. The Makers Market in case you didn’t know is where you can get to meet all the unique product creators and check out their wares. The list of stall holders includes makers, designers, producers, bakers, musicians & artists. The Makers Market can be found in Chester on the last Saturday of the month.
Where can you find the Makers Market? It is ideally located right next to Chester Railway Station in the Carriage Shed. So, what is the Carriage Shed?
Carriage Shed

Carriage Shed-Chester
As the name would suggest, the Carriage Shed is an old railway carriage shed. The shed has now been stylishly transformed into a fantastic new public space for visitors to enjoy.
The beautiful architecture of the main structure now has a refurbished clear roof. This allows plenty of daylight to stream through but also, it protects from the extremities of our British weather. Such a combination makes the Carriage Shed the ideal place to enjoy an al fresco lunch, or take the weight of your feet and just relax and watch the world go by.
The Carriage Shed will also host a full programme of events throughout the year. One such event is the Makers Market as mentioned above.
On Saturday just gone (Saturday the 30th September) there were plenty of stalls and customers present. The horrible, wintery rain did not put visitors off as there was a steady procession of customers throughout the whole six hour stint. The Makers Market opens at 10am and closes at 4pm.
Having wandered around for about an hour or so, it was noticeable that there was an extremely wide variety of products on offer. Here are just a few photos taken on the day….
Makers Market, Chester – 30th September 2017
Plenty of space for the variety of stalls at the Carriage Shed

Makers Market Stall-Chester
If hot chillies are to your liking, then check out Bongos at the next Makers Market at the Carriage Shed….

Bongos Chillies-The Hotter The Better For Me
A variety of homemade chillies from Bongos….

Bongos Homemade Chillies
The weather didn’t put the customers off. No need to get wet anyway. Stay under the cover of the refurbished clear roof……

The Wintery Weather Did Not Deter Customers
Plenty of interest in the various stallholders offerings….

Some Of The Many Customers At Makers Market, Chester
More quality products from unique stallholders……

Another Stall Providing Quality Unique Products
And another, Oaktree stall at Makers Market, Chester

Oaktree Stall At Makers Market, Chester
Checking out what was on offer at the Makers Market at first hand and seeing the Carriage Shed for the first time was a worthwhile experience. If unique, well produced, local goods is your thing then you should really head off down to the next Makers Market at the Carriage Shed. The venue is an ideal location and you can see why the Makers Market chose it. Plenty of room and parking facilities available at the nearby railway car park.
As well as the regular Makers Market, the Carriage Shed also aims to stage a variety of other events. With an emphasis on the arts and culture, food and drink – the annual programme will also see, pop-up cinema, outdoor theatre and much more. The variety and the location makes this a great spot to enjoy on various occasions. You can pop along and enjoy your lunch there, call in after work or visit an event on a weekend.
Well done to all the stallholders and those that organised the event.