Hoole Community Centre 55 Club Christmas Dinner
Well, fair do’s, that was a lot of fun. You may remember I wrote an article a short while ago about my first ever visit to the Hoole Community Centre. If you didn’t see it first time around, you can read it HERE. I did say in that article that there would be follow up posts about our popular, local venue. And so here we are. Follow up post numero uno. Yesterday I popped along again (visit number three) and joined about 50 or so others for the Hoole Community Centre 55 Club Christmas Dinner. That’s quite a mouthful isn’t it. As was my mouth full yesterday with plenty of lovely festive grub, expertly cooked and served up by an enthusiastic band of very helpful volunteers.
Hoole Community Centre 55 Club Christmas Dinner

First and foremost, let me go on record in saying a big thanks to these brilliant volunteers. I’m sure each and every one who attended yesterday will also echo my gratitude and well wishes. One really good yardstick for me is to hear the feedback from my elderly neighbour, who is now getting well into his weekly visits. A quick recap, my neighbour is hard of hearing and has Parkinsons.
Like so many in a similar situation, getting out and about is a bit of a problem for him at times. But, he has visited the “55 Club” for the last three weeks now and he has thoroughly enjoyed himself. And that is great news to hear. One thing he said to me as we left yesterday was a very heartfelt, “aren’t they all a really friendly bunch.” And that is indeed the case. Members and volunteers alike. To see him slowly but surely engaging with others on a one-to-one basis is so very encouraging. It’s been a great option for my good pal. Long may it continue.
The Christmas Dinner itself was plentiful and tasty. I even ate my broccoli and that’s a massive achievement in itself as me and broccoli don’t normally see eye-to-eye. Throw in a traditional Christmas pudding and a glass of wine and you have the ideal Chrimbo nosh.
The afternoon was topped off by a raffle where there was an abundance of prizes. No matter how hard I tried though to distract Ellie by trying to get her to look away, she wasn’t falling for it. She kept her hand firmly on her prize of a tin of Celebrations chocolates!! As she said to me, “that’s my afternoon topped off when I get home. A Christmas film, a glass of wine and a few choccies.” Result!!
Excellent Club
Yes indeed, the afternoon went with a swing. Everyone I spoke to enjoyed themselves and were also full of praise for the overall running of the “Hoole Community Centre 55 Club.” Some have been visiting for several years and, as a result, have built up some very strong and beneficial friendships. And that’s what it’s all about isn’t it.
Without a doubt an excellent club that ticks a lot of boxes for a lot of people. Thanks again to the excellent efforts of all the volunteers. You have provided a fantastic event for so many. Take a bow each and every one of you.
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