Have Your Say
Have Your Say is what the name suggests it is. The opportunity to have your say. As time goes by I will be looking to find out your views on a variety of topics. But who will be able to have their say? No limit or restrictions really. I have already stated that the aim of Chester Lifestyle is that it is to be a website not only for those that visit Chester, but also for the people of Chester.
So, this merry band of people having their say will include, amongst others, local businesses. Not only local businesses but also, local non business people, tourists, students and the youth of today. The label “local non business people” covers a multitude of opportunities doesn’t it? As does local businesses for that matter.
Initially, for local businesses I will be looking for the opinions of the local independents. The “big boys” of course will be approached for their views, but local independents may welcome the opportunity to have their say. Unlike the larger, national companies, the local independent business does not have a Marketing or a PR Department. They are having to be ‘jacks of all trades’. So, it may well be that someone going to them asking for their opinion may well be welcomed.
What kind of topics will be covered? Well that all depends on what is the flavour of the month, or week, or day. I would gladly throw the discussion open for debate. As the website is also intended to be for the people of Chester, what would you like to see discussed? Let me provide an example of a good topical point for discussion.
Have Your Say

Chester Market
I have briefly covered a topic regarding Chester Market in another post – see HERE. The article is not looking to offer an opinion. It is intended to relate the facts and to maybe raise a question or two. It will be in this section where you can “Have Your Say”. With that in mind, I will hopefully get the opinion of the stallholders and the Council. And of course, the customers.
With regard to some topics, we could be entering into the world of some controversial areas. So, with that in mind, it is not intended that “Have Your Say” turns into a negative, slanging match. Hopefully, all positive stuff where healthy opinions are expressed.
Other areas for discussion could well be, your views on the Storyhouse for instance.
Isn’t a day out at Chester Zoo a great way to spend a relaxing day?
Will Chester FC make the play-offs?
Are Chester city centre car parking facilities adequate?
Are we spending enough time and effort on looking out for the homeless?
How good (or bad?) is it for out of town students studying at Chester University?
Is the beer in The Cottage really that good? Ooh, ooh, my first “Have Your Say” comment is coming in. And it’s from…..me!! Yes, the beer in The Cottage is really that good!!
And so on. These suggestions are not exhaustive. They are, stating the obvious, only suggestions. What would you like to have your say on?
I have already spoken to a few people and briefly gathered some ideas on a few topics. There’s a lot of scope really.
Local Non Business People
This will cover so many options. Where do you start and where do you end? Up to you really. In the early infancy of this website (only really been going since the start of September), a couple of topics spring into my mind. One in particular, for instance, is the subject of the homeless.
I would really like to speak with the Share Shop Chester in greater depth. I did produce a brief post a few weeks ago – see HERE. And I did pop into the shop by the Town Hall and had a brief chat with someone who worked in there. But, ideally I would like to have a good chat with one of the founders and to also consider posting regular updates as to the progress they are making. Maybe that’s not a possibility, but it may be an option.
Another topic of great local interest is the new bus interchange and the ‘pedestrianised’ Frodsham Street area. This has been briefly touched on HERE. There will be so many views no doubt. From business owners, the Council, pedestrians to name just three. But what about a view from a bus driver?
What are the views of care workers and staff of say, pubs, restaurants and the Storyhouse for instance of the abolition of free after 3pm car parking -see HERE.
I think you get the drift.
Visit Chester – The Tourists
What do tourists to our city think? By tourists this can include local visitors from nearby towns. And it will, of course, include tourists from different parts of the globe. So, maybe the Chester Grosvenor are open to the idea of a local bloke asking their American or Japanese, or from anywhere in the world for that matter, residents a few questions? If so, great.
Thinking about it, I think it would be best to ask a few questions in their restaurant. I don’t mind the idea of the Grosvenor offering me a seat to speak to some guests while sampling their finest cuisine at the same time. Hint, hint!!
We could kill two birds with the one stone so to speak. Get the lowdown on Chester from an international tourist and sample the cuisine at the same time!! Result!! A bit of an “On The Spot Trip Advisor”
Tourist, local resident and the service provider all commenting at the same time. Wow, what an idea!! I can just see the selfie now. Me, a Japanese tourist dripping in cameras and the Head Chef from the Grosvenor. Sorted!! So much better than a retrospective post on Trip Advisor (not knocking TA), or a soon to be buried Facebook post don’t you think?
As the University of Chester is growing ever more popular, more and more out of town students are settling here after their studies are over. So, it would be great to get the views on Chester from current out of town students. During and after their studies. It is amazing how the University of Chester has grown over the years. This earlier post of mine HERE touches on its growth, but doesn’t really do it enough justice. Any comments anyone?
So, what is the best time to catch a student for comments? I think it would be best to catch them first thing in the morning when they first get up. Any time from 1pm onwards then. Oh, that’s harsh!! Or is it? Only a student can say what their normal day is. So, let’s hear from you Chester students.
The Youth Of Today
Don’t forget, all of what is happening in Chester now will turn out to be our legacies to the youth of today. So, maybe a trip to a local school to seek out the youth of today’s views is a consideration? I must stress at this point however that it would be great to be able to actually speak to a youth of today. And to actually see their faces.
Normally, walking through town all you get to see is the tops of their heads. Heads down, both thumbs a blur as they mind-numbingly click on the latest games app, or Facebook post. Can the youth of today actually start a sentence in any way other than, “Have you seen this on Facebook”? Let’s find out. Is there enough going on in Chester to keep them interested and give their thumbs a rest?
Have Your Say – The Beginning
Hopefully this will be the start of an interactive “Have Your Say” section on our website for the people of Chester. If by any chance a stranger walks up to you in the bar at the Grosvenor sipping a cocktail and asks you, “Excuse me, can I have a word?” Or, you feel a tug on your arm in Marks and Spencers Food Hall with a request of “Can you spare a few minutes?” That won’t be me. Leg it!!
If, on the other hand, you are approached by someone with a shockingly bright yellow (or is it lime green?), weatherproof top, then that should signal two things. One, it’s me. Secondly, I’m on my pushbike.
Seriously though, I won’t be that intrusive and thrust myself on you in such a way. Firstly, I’m far too shy and retiring for that!! As if!!
But, more importantly though, you wouldn’t want to be approached in that way. As previously mentioned however, I do hope that this new section of my website does allow more people to get involved. That would be great.
Have Your Say-Second Comment
Must dash. I’m hoping to pop into town soon to hopefully get a few “Have Your Say” comments started. But, more importantly, I have just had my second “Have Your Say” comment. One of our cats has just had his say. He has said, “get off that laptop and feed me!!”
Hope to hear from you in due course.