Good Mental and Physical Health
A few weeks ago I introduced local life coach, David Jamieson, to you and the type of services he can provide. If you want to see the original article again, you can read it HERE. As mentioned in that original post David agreed to provide regular health and wellbeing articles here at Chester Lifestyle. As it is now a new year and New Year Resolutions are still fresh in everyone’s mind, David has provided me with his first article. The article targets good mental and physical health generally.
Without any further ado, here is David’s good mental and physical health….
Good Mental And Physical Health

David Jamieson-Life Coach
“It appears that you’re around 80% more likely to pick up flu or increase weight around this time of year, and sadly this year, I’ve achieved both…
I’ve always wondered if we eat more when we’re happy or sad. Also, how much the weather affects our appetite. Speaking personally I seem to grow sideways in the winter, fortunately losing it in the warmer weather.
Maybe a combination of comfort eating through the dark, cold and often wet winter months requiring warmer, heaver more filling meals, as well as increasing fat levels for defence and storage.
Naturally I eat more fresh and raw vegetables e.g. salads when the weather improves. In addition I’m also more inclined to exercise and cycle for fun so much more.
I also believe that in the influence of SAD – seasonal affective disorder, which in simple terms means the impact of changing seasons on our emotional state of wellbeing. In truth it could be so much polarised, e.g. northern Scandinavian countries such as Finland with limited winter daylight and full-on summer daylight in Lapland seem to result in (statistics differ) higher rates of alcoholism and suicide.
A lack of light tends to depress whilst (sun) light is anti-depressive, raising our spirits-I think we’d all agree with that, hence the increasing sales of ‘SAD’ alarm clocks and lights!
We have our own individual circadian clock, ticking away inside. It tells us when we’re hungry, tired or ready for action. The way our ancestors lived, pre-alarm clocks, TV and 24/7 living, knowing when to sleep and hunt, perhaps the most natural way to live.
Nobody wants to be ill at this time of year. However developing flu in an already depleted immune system scuppered our usual family and travel plans. So instead we stayed at home and recuperated.
Plenty of plusses though. No overindulging in either food or drink. There can be a tendency to drink competitively at Christmas. I enjoyed a relaxing Christmas Day which included a visit to Chester Cathedral for their mid-morning service that felt quite private, as there was literally half a dozen congregation and the occasional tourist.
The choir was fabulous, covering a number of yuletide hymns along the way. They brilliantly utilised baritone to soprano singers, more than ably supported by a small orchestra. Also, I was surprised as I also enjoyed the sermon. It was delivered crisply and with meaning. If that didn’t lift my spirits, I’m not sure what would. The power of music to improve the spirit is a truly wonderful thing.
Taking The Time To Relax
Relaxing at home in front of a log fire, chilled of mind and with warm drink in hand. Opening presents unconcerned with television programmes or party activities allowed me to abandon the worries of the world for at least a day. And yes I do appreciate that there are others for whom Christmas can be the most trying time of year. The time we all remember absent family members, and others who may have lost their employment or homes. My heart goes out to those less fortunate.
This year’s different Christmas felt closer and truer to the original meaning. No boisterousness or excess, and of course commercialisation is a subject on its own…
Personal circumstances will lead you to you preferred option and this year I found mine, now pass me my slippers please…
Best wishes for good mental and physical health into 2018 and beyond,
More To Follow From David
I hope you found David’s first article on good mental and physical health useful. More articles are to follow on a wide range of topics. Don’t forget to bookmark us and come and visit Chester Lifestyle again for more of David’s articles.
Here are some of David’s other posts
Mental Health – Click HERE
Are You Lonely – Read More HERE
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