Fun Festive Facts
With Christmas only a matter of a few days away now, households all over the world will be well into their preparations. While others still won’t have started….shame on you!! Christmas means many things to many people. Some people get wrapped up (no pun intended!!) in the whole commercial aspects of Christmas. And why not? Others, on the other hand, like to celebrate Christmas in a more traditional way. But what is a traditional Christmas? Really Christmas becomes traditional to you in any way you choose to regularly celebrate it. If that makes sense. But there are many, what you would call traditional aspects, about Christmas that most of us follow each year. This post will take a look at some of these traditions and other fun….or maybe not so much fun…..festive facts.
As Christmas will be so very different this year, let’s embrace it as much as we can. And let’s see if we can make it a Christmas to remember for all the right reasons.
Fun Festive Facts

Fun Festive Facts
Here’s a few for openers. I will be posting more fun festive facts over the next few days.
Christmas By Numbers
- Did you know that some scientists from the USA calculated that Santa would have to visit 822 homes a second to deliver all the world’s presents on Christmas Eve, travelling at 650 miles a second. Wow…..I knew he was good, but didn’t know he was that good!!
- Does this sound like your household? 16 is the average number of Christmas presents a UK child receives. On that basis, Scottish families should be better off in terms of not having to shell out as much money as other UK countries. According to the 2011 Census, Northern Ireland had the highest average number of people per household of the UK constituent countries at 2.5. England had 2.4 people per household while Wales had 2.3 people per household. Scotland had the lowest at 2.2 people per household.
- I don’t know about you but sellotape winds me up. I can never seem to find the end on the roll. The amount I waste is incredible. Wrapping prezzies is one of my bug bears as it happens. It takes me ages. And the language when I’m wrapping. The number of rolls of sellotape sold in the UK in the run up to Christmas is 6 million. That is some sticky mess isn’t it. Imagine if every roll of sellotape sold came with a swear box!! And also imagine if the proceeds from these swear box was donated to charities? There would be a significant amount of wonga heading towards local charities methinks.
- Here’s something interesting. Many years ago you would have broken the law if you celebrated Christmas. Both here in the UK and in the USA. Maybe or maybe not, but you might be aware that Oliver Cromwell banned the Pagan holiday of Christmas for 12 years from 1647 in the UK. But did you know that the ban was only lifted in Oklahoma USA in 1907? This means in some parts of the US, Christmas was banned for over 260 years!
Who Goes To Church?
- I must admit, one of the things I miss about my Christmases of old is not going to mass any more. Having been an altar boy and now classing myself as a lapsed Catholic, this is one Christmas tradition I do miss. It’s not me that may be feeling guilty though. According to records, only 13% of families in the UK always attend church on Christmas Day. I thought that figure would have been higher.
HRH Anybody?
- Another Christmas tradition I don’t uphold I’m afraid. It was reported that only 27% of families sat down to watch the Queen’s Speech. I wonder if that figure will change for King Charles’ first festive speech? My apologies though to HRH, I probably won’t be tuning in I don’t think. Maybe one of these years I’ll put my turkey leg down and try to tune in.
- Talking of the Royal Family, did you know that Queen Victoria was the first official person to send a Christmas card? However, the first commercial card came in 1843 when Sir Henry Cole produced 1000 and sold them for one shilling each. If you have one of these original cards you will be sitting on a small fortune. There are currently only 12 of these cards left in the world with one going up for auction a couple of years ago for £30,000.
Fun Festive Facts – Other Number Snippets
- Now this I do find incredible. According to a survey conducted in 2016, 57% of adults in the UK would gladly sacrifice seeing relatives on Christmas Day if it meant they could spend more time on Facebook. Seriously!! As useful as Social Media is, it has unfortunately taken over some people’s lives in a huge way. It tickles me that you can virtually know everything about someone by their Facebook posts. You may not have seen them for years, but you will know what they had for tea last night…and every other night for that matter. (posting photos of meals!!! What’s that all about??).
- Hands up. Who owns a Christmas jumper? According to Matalan, 82% of people surveyed own a Christmas jumper, with 25-34 year olds the most likely to buy one. An amazing 75%+ of people buy their festive jumper to wear for a work event, whilst over half wear one on Christmas Day. Again, not me I’m afraid. Trying to balance the reindeer antlers on my head is enough for me!!
- Christmas is a bumper time for mobile phone companies. To what extent you may think? Well, 6.8 million is the expected number of iOS and Android devices that will be activated on Christmas Day.
- Something I’ve contemplated I must admit. I have thought about jetting off to sunnier climes for Christmas. Not done it yet, but maybe some day. How many do though? In previous years it was estimated that 4.25 million British people would travel abroad for Christmas. That’s almost as many sellotape rolls I’ve gone through in the last 50 years or so!! With the situation as it is however, I would imagine the figures would not be so high. Still, it’s an idea that many people do actively pursue.
- Who likes a festive flutter? If you do then why not have a wager on it being a white Christmas? Apparently, the chances of a White Christmas are just 1 in 10 for England and Wales, and 1 in 6 for Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Fun Festive Facts
The above are only a few number related fun festive facts to dazzle your friends and family with. I’m sure you’re eager to know. Are there any more fascinating festive facts to dazzle you with? Watch this space as there may well be a Part Two to follow. Will these snippets blow some of the well known Christmas facts and traditions out of the water? Wait and see and come back again to read more!!
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Stay safe everyone!!!
Christmas Almost Upon Us
With Christmas alsmost upon us, you may be looking for the ideal Christmas gift for your loved ones. If so, and you are thinking about something Chester related, then have a look at my Chester section of my new Etsy store. You can find out more about my Etsy store HERE.
Plenty of originally created downloadable digital artwork for you to have a look at HERE.
And, as I say, Christmas is nearly here. Go on….you know you want to!
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