Faulkner Street Shopping
Another recent trip pottering about in Hoole and another morning doing a bit of Faulkner Street shopping. A few weeks ago I wrote about a trip on a Saturday morning where I had a couple of chats with local shop owners. You may recall that I was well pleased at how they went the extra mile. Not only offering good products and services in my opinion. But also, offering something more in terms of enhancing community spirit and relationships with shoppers. If you don’t remember it, or haven’t seen it yet, take a look at Faulkner Street Hoole.
Faulkner Street Shopping
This particular recent trip saw me wander into the florists in Faulkner Street. Namely, Honeysuckle. You can find it about 50 yards on the left hand side not far from Boots and the Royal Oak. Well, sandwiched in between the two actually. I have been in there before and I have been impressed with the service before. OK, hands up time. I need to confess here. As it is a florist, and like a lot of men, I don’t have much of a clue about flowers when it comes to the finer points of such an important product. Those comments are best made by the recipients.

So, on that score, I can say that Honeysuckle pass the test in that respect also. The gift of the flowers in a basket went down a treat and were well received.
However, it was arriving at the final decision of my purchase where the Honeysuckle’s staff member excelled. As I mentioned above, me and flowers and my knowledge of flowers, at best? Sketchy I would say. Well OK, not even sketchy really. I hold my hands up again. I haven’t a clue.
Faulkner Street Shopping For Flowers Insight
Cue the very helpful sales assistant to guide me through the complicated steps of getting the right flowers. Fair do’s ladies, I take my hat off to your superior flowers related knowledge. From me truthfully answering the simple question of “can I help you sir, what might you be looking for” with an emphatic, “I haven’t got a clue really” started me off onto a road of a better understanding of the much loved colourful additions to a happy and harmonious household. (NB: Trust me, that is so true as I’m trying to imagine the scenes if I hadn’t bought flowers on this particular day).
Anyway, the sales assistant not only explained the flowers in more detail, but also advised what might be the most appropriate for the occasion and for the recipient, having quickly assessed a visual image of how our front room is set out. Very impressive.
And Going The Extra Mile
And as with my other post on my Faulkner Street shopping experience recently, the extra mile bit. During the whole process the sales assistant seemed genuinely interested in the reason for the purchase. “How long married” (a bit of a clue as to the reason for the purchase)? “Are you OK carrying them?” Not only the reason for the purchase but also interested in the buyer….i.e. me. “Oh, you are local. I used to know someone who lived at number…..” Just general extra engagement that helps aid a prosperous local community spirit I reckon.
I like to think I’m a chatty fella anyway, so it was good to spend the extra 10 minutes or so, swapping snippets of local and mutual topics. Before we knew it, the other two sales assistants were joining in.
In short, a sort of service and quality of product (a result, the flowers went down well!!) that would get me going back again.
Thank you for the service Honeysuckle. And thank you for further enhancing my Faulkner Street shopping experience. I’m also grateful of the sharing tales of a recent rowing the length of Loch Ness trip. And no, before you ask, no sightings of Nessie.
I wonder what my next Faulkner Street shopping jaunt will bring. Watch this space!!
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – Faulkner Street Shopping. Another worthwhile experience. And phew….some brownie points earned in the process. If you haven’t popped into Faulkner Street for a quick peek, then maybe you should. Locals can go on foot of course, but if travelling from farther afield, don’t forget there is parking available in the car park at the back of the shops. Access via Westminster Road, parallel to Faulkner Street.
To see all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics, then visit HERE.
And going off on a complete tangent and as this is Chester related website. Here’s another “help support a local small business” section. And somewhere you can shop safely and securely.
As This Is A Chester Related Website
As this is a Chester related website, you may be looking for the ideal Chester related gift for your loved ones. If so, then have a look at my Chester section of my new Etsy store. You can find out more about my Etsy store HERE.
Plenty of originally created downloadable digital artwork for you to have a look at HERE. And, as I say, a variety of Chester related products to choose from. Go on….you know you want to!!
Also, talking of safe online shopping……
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