Farewell To Our Beautiful Connie
Pet lovers everywhere will know the feeling and sentiments only too well. They come into our lives, provide us with unconditional love and support, become a major part of the family – then they break our hearts. You’ve probably guessed by the title and the opening part of the paragraph that we have suffered a recent furry family member loss. Last Wednesday, 12th March at 3pm we had to say farewell to our beautiful Connie. So many pet owners will relate to this and will no doubt say the same about their own pets. In our eyes, our Connie was a one-off. Writing this will be valuable, much needed therapy for me as well as being a heartfelt thank you and send off message to our Princess.
Farewell To Our Beautiful Connie

Last Wednesday, Connie gave up the fight to stay with us when we took her to our local vet’s practice, Flookersbrook Veterinary. More about them a bit later. We were due to take her for a follow up today, as it happens, as a continuation of a review and treatment of her chest infection. On the 2nd March, after blood tests the week before, we found out that Connie had a chest infection. Her breathing had become quite laboured and she seemed quite lethargic. A steroid injection was administered and a course of anti-biotics prescribed. Another review was to take place two weeks later – i.e. today.
Even though Connie seemed to be a bit brighter and her breathing seemed to have improved last Tuesday, she rapidly declined the following day on the Wednesday. We had done as much as we could in between vet visits by ensuring she only had certain types of food, much of which was liquidised to help with her swallowing. And she was always with us or near us. So plenty of TLC and cuddles. But that was the norm for Connie anyway.
Such A Loving Fur Ball
Connie was the most loving of cats. She was always sitting on our laps, squeezing in between us and climbing up our bodies to get a closer look at us. I used to joke that Connie really thought that she was a “hooman.” And purr!! Her life was one big purr. I could be wrong but it may be that rescue cats are that bit more appreciative and they share the love even more. Connie certainly shared the love and never stopped thanking us for rescuing her in October 2014 after she was abandoned. Mind you, I think it was just as much a case of Connie choosing us as well as we choosing her. I’ll explain more.
Connie Chooses Us
While walking down Egerton Street one Saturday afternoon in October 2014, my wife was greeted by a lovely, friendly tabby wearing a blue rubber collar. After many cuddles and much petting, my wife continued on her way.
The very next day, the very same happened to me. I was greeted by this beautiful young cat, clearly looking to make friends. But as she was wearing a collar, I thought that she had a home.
The following Friday night I happened to see a photo that caught my eye on a local Cat Rescue Centre’s website. Unless she had a double, there was a photo of the tabby we’d seen the weekend before. The blue rubber collar convinced me it was the same furry friend. I went on to read the article underneath and sure enough it was. The article went on to say that the friendly little furball had been abandoned after her owners had moved out.
“What!!” I thought. How could anyone leave that little cutie behind. To make matters worse she was living under a bush right outside the patio doors of where she used to live. Kind office workers from across the road fed and watered her. I’m not sure how long she’d been there, but I heard it was a while.
I contacted the lady who wrote the article and volunteered to help safely capture the furry young lady the next morning. And so the rescue mission began.
Chase Me Chase Me – Don’t Give Up
We arrived at 8:30 in the morning and sure enough the furry orphan was out and about around by her bush. After a while it seemed like she was playing a game. We would get close to catching her but then she would run off again. But at times, as she ran ran off, she seemed to stop and look over her shoulder as if to say, “come on, chase me – don’t give up.” And we didn’t give up.
At about 6:30 pm after quite a few attempts, the young lady was finally safely caught. The cat charity then proceeded to take her away. Presumably to check for micro chips and to have her medically checked over. As far as we were concerned that was the end of our involvement. But how wrong could we be. Instead it was only the start of a truly wonderful, loving ten and a half years or so relationship.
Saying Hello To Our Beautiful Connie
On the Sunday morning, the cat charity rang me to give me an update. She had been to the vets and was all fit and healthy and she wasn’t chipped. So, I thought, thanks for the update. As we already had two other cats, we hadn’t considered having another join us. The next suggestion was something of a surprise but also something we couldn’t refuse.
“How would you like to foster the youngster?” We thought, as we had helped to catch her, giving her a home for two weeks wouldn’t be a problem. And so, it was arranged that the cat charity volunteers would pop along later that morning.
Two weeks did I say? Who were we kidding? As soon as the beautiful fur baby stepped out of the cat carrier, we were smitten. She immediately hid behind the sofa for a few minutes but surfaced to continue her charm offensive. We knew straight away this was going to be her new permanent home. And the rest, as they say, is history. From that day on, we were lucky enough to share our home with the most loving and most lovable cat ever. We were informed that she was about 18 months old.
Connie Making Herself At Home
The name Connie was suggested by my sister. It was a connection to a family member that triggered the suggested name. And so Connie took up residence. Anyone who ever visited fell in love with Connie. And fair do’s, Connie knew how to play to the crowd. No shying away when anyone visited. No siree. Connie would mingle and jump up on as many laps as she could.
A favourite spot for Connie to chill was sitting on the window sill. She would sit there for hours watching the world go by. And she was definitely a sun worshipper. As soon as the weather would improve from the Spring onwards, Connie was out in the back garden sunning herself on the decking. Even better if we went out to join her as she would combine sun bathing with cuddles on laps.
Farewell To Our Beautiful Connie – She Battled To The End
As mentioned, we tried our very best to make Connie as comfortable as we could. For the last few days we didn’t know, or maybe we weren’t willing to accept, that she was soon to be heading towards the Rainbow Bridge. She was up and down but last Wednesday, she was so very poorly we decided to bring our scheduled appointment due today, forward.
She hadn’t eaten anything at all and was lying on the sofa, sorry I mean her sofa, all morning. Her breathing seemed better though. So we thought maybe the chest infection was improving and she was just having an off day. That was in the late morning.
The vets opened at 2pm so we decided to walk around without her to see if we could arrange a home visit. She seemed to have deteriorated in the last couple of hours. So, by this time, we were now beginning to realise that she may be so poorly we would have to say goodbye. But if that was to be the case, then ideally we wanted her final moments to be at home with us. And as it was a sunny day, we preferred the option of being with her on the decking where she had enjoyed so many sun bathing sessions.
But the ideal scenario didn’t pan out. A home visit couldn’t take place until the following day, Thursday. The vet’s nurse suggested that we bring Connie around for them to have a look at. Who knows, they may have been able to work some magic. And as a home visit wasn’t possible until the next day, they may have been able to give her something of a boost until the next day’s visit.
Connie Was So Brave
We went back home to collect Connie, but still with the intention of keeping to the home visit option the next day. She hardly moved as we lifted her off the sofa and placed her in the cat carrier. When we visited the vet the week before, Connie popped her head out of the cat carrier as soon as we arrived. Full of beans and very inquisitive. However, last Wednesday was so very different.
She was flat out with her eyes closed when I opened the cat carrier. We were shocked and quickly realised that she wasn’t going to be coming home with us this time. The vet confirmed this as soon as he took a look at her. We were devastated. But, we needed to do the best for Connie and give her the best final gift possible. And that was to set her free. I held her close as Seamus, the vet, caringly and carefully laid our beautiful Princess to rest.
Farewell To Our Beautiful Connie – Was This A Sign?
Back at home afterwards I suggested that Connie’s last few hours on our sofa – sorry, Connie’s sofa – was Connie being brave and fighting to keep going for our benefit. She could see we were upset and wanted to show us that she was OK as she struggled to get to her feet. It was as if picking her up and placing her in the cat carrier was the time she realised her suffering was soon to end and she relaxed and effectively let go.
An hour or so after Connie was released and set free to join our Morrissey in the sun kissed fields alongside the Rainbow Bridge, a strange thing happened. I understand those that think this was just a coincidence and I also understand there may be some who think it may have been a sign. I have an open mind.
Our Moz The Rainbow Bridge Guide?
We sadly said goodbye to Morrissey (our Moz) on 30th November 2023. In a similar way as the decking was Connie’s domain, one of our Moz’s domains was on the back wall over the gate. Since the 30th November 2023 we had not seen another cat appear on the very same back wall. But lo and behold, an hour or so after we said goodbye to Connie, a black cat appeared on our back wall. A sign? Who knows?
I preferred to think that it was Moz showing Connie the Rainbow Bridge ropes. Connie may have said to Moz that she didn’t get chance to say a proper goodbye to us. Moz intervened by saying, “I know how to get a message to them to say thanks and to let them know you’re OK.” Corny maybe, but a source of comfort.
Farewell To Our Beautiful Connie – Thanks To The Vets
A quick word about the veterinary practice, Flookersbrook. They were excellent. Professional, caring and understanding. A real credit to their profession and to their practice. They took care of Connie’s last moments with care and compassion as Connie was allowed to run free with Morrissey, having left her home for ten and a half years with dignity.
Thanks again to all involved. And thanks for the consideration and concern you gave to us.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for visiting my Chester Lifestyle website and thanks for reading my latest blog post – Farewell To Our Beautiful Connie. RIP our beautiful fur baby. Run free with our Moz. We’ll miss you so much but you will always be in our hearts.
If you would like to see all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics, then visit HERE.
And going off on a complete tangent and as this is Chester related website. Here’s another “help support a local small business” section.
As This Is A Chester Related Website
As this is a Chester related website, you may be looking for the ideal Chester related gift for your loved ones. If so, then have a look at my Chester section of my new Etsy store. You can find out more about my Etsy store HERE.
Plenty of originally created downloadable digital artwork for you to have a look at HERE. And, as I say, a variety of Chester related products to choose from. Like this artwork image of Chester Bandstand in The Groves: