DVLA Scam Message
In the seemingly never ending scam alerts, here’s a new one that has been brought to my attention. It is a DVLA scam message alert. In the form of an email to be exact. An email such as this below:

DVLA Scam Message

How did the recipient know it was a scam email? The first thing that was noticed was the sender’s email address. Apparently it was sent from a Czech email address. The DVLA would only send out emails from a gov.uk email account. So, before clicking on anything always check the sender’s email address. Well, to be more precise, don’t click on anything anyway. However, if it doesn’t look legit then the likelihood is, it isn’t legit. Always err on the side of caution.
Also, the email begins with “Welcome” – another indication that the message is sent randomly to non-specific targets. In other words, as far as the sender is concerned, it will be a numbers game. Send a blanket email message to countless email addresses in the hope that some in their message has a car and have not as yet received an official reminder from DVLA. For instance, a reminder in the post. And addressed correctly.
In this instance, the email recipient had already paid their road tax, so they suspected something fishy (or should that be phishy?) immediately. Good spot in that respect. But, no doubt, there will be some that are caught up in the scam. If you are savvy enough to spot these scams, don’t lose sight of the fact there will be some who aren’t as savvy.
DVLA Scam Message – Spread The Word
So, bearing in mind there may well be some unsuspecting email recipients out there, please spread the word if you can. The more widespread we all make these scam alerts, the better for all.
It is good that there are plenty out there alert to scams, like this DVLA scam message. But let’s get the message as far afield as we can.
If you know of, or want to find out more about reporting scam emails and such like, then check out this GOV.UK page HERE.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – DVLA Scam Message. Another important scam alert warning message. Take heed one and all.
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And going off on a complete tangent and as this is Chester related website. Here’s another “help support a local small business” section.
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