Don’t Forget The Elderly This Christmas
There’s still a few days to go until Christmas so now may be a good time to turn our thoughts to other friends and neighbours. It is an early enough notification so let’s all take note of this message if we can. And that message is, don’t forget the elderly this Christmas. In actual fact I think I’ll qualify that statement even further. How so?
Don’t Forget The Elderly This Christmas

I actually think we should do more than “don’t forget the elderly this Christmas”. We should, where we can, consider them throughout the year. Not just at Christmas.
And, going that bit further and taking that extra step we can rephrase “don’t forget the elderly this Christmas” to – don’t forget the lonely this Christmas. Yes, it is massively important to consider the elderly. But spare a thought for those maybe not so old who may be a bit vulnerable at this time of the year. And, of course, with the way things have been with Covid 19, so many more people are even more vulnerable. Particularly if they live on their own, but not exclusively the case.
And, in the same way as the elderly, don’t just limit your concern to this time of the year. Spare a thought throughout the year.
I have written blog posts about this subject (the elderly I mean). You can see the original post HERE. I have mentioned that particular post again as it contains some very useful links.
Don’t Forget The Elderly And The Lonely This Christmas
So, there you have it. A very simple message. But to some maybe not such a simple message to put into practice. Anyway, the message is there and it’s up to anyone reading this to do something about if if they wish.
You may also wish to take a look at this powerful AGE UK video – “Just Another Day” from 2017 –
No one should be alone at Christmas and as the song goes, “‘Tis the season to be jolly……tra, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la”. Let’s try and make it jolly for everyone.
There’s an elderly neighbour who lives on his own that I call on on a regular basis. A smashing fella and top bloke. Very interesting he is, always having some fascinating stories. I am concerned about him throughout the year. But this time of the year even more so. He has been going stir crazy with so many things that have been going on in his life this year. Let’s hope his Christmas is one for him to savour and he can look forward to a brighter and better 2023.
Please spread the word if you can and stay safe.
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Christmas Almost Upon Us
With Christmas alsmost upon us, you may be looking for the ideal Christmas gift for your loved ones. If so, and you are thinking about something Chester related, then have a look at my Chester section of my new Etsy store. You can find out more about my Etsy store HERE.
Plenty of originally created downloadable digital artwork for you to have a look at HERE. And, as I say, Christmas is nearly here. Go on….you know you want to!!
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