Diverse Designs
I stumbled across an interesting, new-ish retail store wandering through The Forum by the Town Hall last week. Tucked away opposite the entrance to Chester Market, right next to B&M Bargains I noticed a store of interest by the name of Diverse Designs. I must admit at first viewing (i.e. as per the photo I took below), I didn’t have a clue what it was all about. But a quick wander in and a good look around, followed by a chat with one of the helpful staff members gave me a much better insight. And what a great shop it is. And what a great idea. I take my hat off to those behind this great idea. So, what might Diverse Designs be exactly? Read on to find out more.
Diverse Designs

Vivo Care Choices, a company owned and funded by Cheshire West and Chester Council, and their partners, West Cheshire Autism Hub, opened the shop at The Forum in November 2021. The shop provides an opportunity for people with learning disabilities and autism to get their creative juices flowing and to showcase their creations.
The shop is open from 10am to 4pm from Monday to Saturday. It offers a wide range of arts, crafts and other products for customers to purchase.
A bit more about Vivo. They provide services for people with learning disabilities and autism across the Cheshire West and Chester region. In addition, the Autism Hub opened at The Bluecoat in Chester last year offers a welcoming venue for people with autism and their families.
Great Gift Ideas
I had a good look around the store and was suitably impressed. The products on sale will make wonderful gifts for any occasion really. Christmas, birthdays and other special events. Anyone buying these unique gifts will be aware that they’re not only beautifully and lovingly hand made, but they also make a difference to the lives of the people supported by Vivo and the Autism Hub.
Those accessing the services at both Vivo and the Autism Hub will be presented with plenty of opportunities to develop their skills and grow in confidence in the community.
Along with the chance to get creative, people will also be able to develop customer service skills that could help create a future pathway for them into employment. And also, very importantly, let’s not forget that customers are getting a great product at great value.
The main focus of the shop will be on the development opportunities rather than profit making. Therefore, it is predominantly a space where people feel comfortable to get creative and take part in the things they love.
While I was in the shop, there were quite a few people in the workspace in the back busily beavering away. And to help with any questions there was a very helpful young lady assisting on the counter.
Without a doubt, it is a great idea and one that deserves to be well supported. It is an exciting opportunity where so many people can be creative and productive. Also, it is a fantastic addition to have at the heart of the local community. The shop front area itself is spacious, clean, bright and well stocked.
Why Not Pay Diverse Designs A Visit
As I say, I stumbled across it and I’m glad I did. A shop well worth a visit. A wide range of quality products on offer at great prices. So, why not pay them a visit if you haven’t done so already. You won’t be disappointed.
One other thing to mention. If you would like to link up with Diverse Designs, whether you’re a care organisation supporting people or looking for somewhere to sell products you’ve made, please email: donna.tonkinson@vivocarechoices.co.uk.
Thanks to the staff I spoke to who provided me with a very informative and enthusiastic background to the shop and its concept. Much appreciated.
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