Chester Zoo Rhinos
As anyone who regularly visits my website will know. I love Chester Zoo. What a place of interest and beauty and fascination. I’ll come on to the main topic, Chester Zoo Rhinos, soon. But in the meantime, I often wonder there must be so many people in Chester who don’t really bother with the Zoo. That’s fine. Each to their own and all that if the Zoo doesn’t appeal to you.
I’m not really referring to those that categorically don’t like the Zoo. In the main I’m referring to those that have been, have liked it but haven’t been for donkeys years. Many times I’ve had a conversation with people about our world famous Zoo only to hear, “I haven’t been there for years. I keep forgetting about it” – type of comment.
So many people look for things to do on a weekend. Very often, they look further afield for “something different”, while all the time that something different is right on the doorstep.
This is not a criticism by any means. It is merely an observation I have come across so many times. Local people often think of the Zoo as an afterthought. They don’t go not because they don’t like it. They don’t go because they forget it’s there.
Anyway, I’ve gone off on a bit of a tangent there. Where was I? Ah yes, Chester Zoo Rhinos.
Chester Zoo Rhinos

Yet again, Chester Zoo have excelled themselves haven’t they. This time, conservationists at Chester Zoo have undertaken and managed a major international project that was aimed at saving a species of rhinos from extinction.
Just imagine the sense of pride and sense of achievement when you work on a project like that and it succeeds. Talk about enjoying your job. That feeling goes way beyond “liking your job” though doesn’t it.
Chester Zoo Rhinos – A Bit Of Background
So what has Chester Zoo achieved that is so spectacular. Quite simply they have massively helped to save a whole breed of rhinos.
The Eastern Black Rhino population in Rwanda’s Akagera National Park has increased by five. That is because five of these almost extinct rhinos have relocated from European Zoos. Chester Zoo being one of those zoos.
One of the Chester Zoo Rhinos, Mandela is the offspring of Bashira, who herself was also born at Chester Zoo as part of a breeding programme.
Black Rhinos Population
Incredibly the Black Rhino population has dropped by 95% in Africa over the last 100 years or so. Much of that staggering decline is down to illegal poaching.
In Rwanda itself, just 12 years ago the Black Rhino was declared extinct. So, just consider how significant and inspiring the efforts of Chester Zoo are.
I know there is always more than one side to any debate or discussion, but there are some things that go on in this world that you just cannot comprehend. This is one of them. Don’t get me started on those “brave” hunters who stand over their prey while holding their high powered rifles either by the way. They make me puke quite frankly. Anyway, rant over.
Chester Zoo Rhinos – A Major Moment
Back on point and focusing on the Chester Zoo Rhinos, what an amazing achievement by the Zoo. Let’s be clear here, this is not just a major moment for zoos, Chester Zoo included, but for wildlife conservation as a whole. As I touched on above – imagine being involved in this particular project.
You can see how the Zoo managed this remarkable achievement by having a look HERE.
Congratulations to one and all who have been involved in this project. I, along with so many others no doubt, take my hat off to you all.
And to any Black Rhinos reading this, you have a long, happy and enjoyable life. Welcome Home!!!
Chester Zoo
I have written quite a few Chester Zoo blog posts. And, I also have a Chester Zoo page on this website. For more information about Chester Zoo – opening times etc, have a look HERE.
Things To Do In Chester
Not unsurprisingly, Chester Zoo gets a mention whenever the topic of things to do in Chester is raised. For even more ideas of things to do in Chester, have a look HERE.
Chester Lifestyle
I hope you enjoyed reading my “Chester Zoo Rhinos” post and you also enjoy visiting my website. For more information about my website and Chester in general, have a look HERE.