Chester Zoo Big Cats
Correct, I haven’t done a Chester Zoo post for a while have I. Which is a big surprise as we’re such big fans of the world famous Chester Zoo. Last Friday though we paid a visit and one of the huge features was undoubtedly the Chester Zoo Big Cats Exhibition. It was to say the least fascinating. The diligence, the patience and the time that has gone into these displays is incredible.
For those that don’t know, the Chester Zoo Big Cats Exhibition is an exhibition of the world’s largest felines as you have never seen them before. They are displayed in their lifestyle sizes for one thing. But, the impressive cute little moggies have all been made out of toy bricks. You can probably guess the brand name but as Chester Zoo referred to them as toy bricks and not by their brand name, I thought I’d follow suit.
Before Discussing Chester Zoo Big Cats
Just before going on to discuss the Chester Zoo Big Cats Exhibition in more detail, a quick mention of our popular elephants. As many of you will no doubt know, one of the babies is very poorly at the moment. Indali Hi Way has tested positive for the deadly elephant virus – Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus (EEHV).
On the way in we asked a zoo keeper for the latest news. She informed us that Indali was making some progress. As an extra precaution all the elephants were confined to indoors. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that Indali continues to improve and the whole herd are soon back to doing what they do best. Entertaining their thousands of fans and enjoying life to the full.
Anyway, on to the Chester Zoo Big Cats Exhibition. I don’t know where the exhibits were put together. Does anyone know who developed them by any chance? How did they build them? Were they built around a framework? Just curious really. On the bigger scheme of things it isn’t that important.
Chester Zoo Big Cats

There are in all 12 species of big cats represented.
And they all took many, many hours to build. For instance the Tiger Cubs took more than 64,000 bricks to make. And to do that, it took 2 people, 105 hours.
Other displays took considerably more bricks and hours. Some incredible patience and brilliant attention to detail has undoubtedly gone on here. Well done to all those who diligently worked on these works of art.
Up until 30th April, you will be able to explore the BIG CATS exhibition. You can discover so much more about these incredible species. Also, you can develop your own brick-building skills by having a go at creating your own animal model.
In addition, there are also plenty of playful cat themed activities and events for you to get involved in. You can find out more HERE.
Chester Zoo Big Cats – A Sneak Peek
If you would like a closer look at what to expect at the Chester Zoo Big Cats Exhibition have a look at this short video I prepared.
It is a very worthwhile exhibition to visit. Probably a bit biased, but being a big Chester Zoo fan, any visit to Chester Zoo is a worthwhile trip.
What Else Is Worth Seeing
During this latest visit we also saw so many more residents we hadn’t previously seen. I can feel another blog post coming on!!!
We made a point of visiting some of the areas we hadn’t seen for some time. Or at all. Like the sloths. Not seen them before. And we even managed to get to see their weekly, natural bodily functions event. Well we did turn away of course but we were there when they descended to carry out the necessities.
Also, we got to see the new baby giraffe. And so much more. As I say, I can feel another blog post coming on. Watch this space!!!
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Things To Do In Chester
With many of the schools currently being off for the school Spring Break, many families will be looking for things to do in Chester. You can find a few ideas HERE.
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