Chester Students Receive Award
There you go, being a student isn’t all about having lie-ins, protesting, partying, striking and taking on the world. No siree. Well, thinking about it, that was more in the days when I was a student. And as for the beard I grew!! Wow!! The good old days? I’m not so sure now when I look back. Anyway, back onto the topic of this post. Chester Students receive award. What for you may well ask with great justification. Well, have a read of this article and, while we’re at it, take a bow all those that took part in these events.
Chester Students Receive Award

Take a look at the photo above. More specifically, look to the left of the recipient of the award and what do you see. Yes, you’ve got it, the word “Cheer.” So come on, what are we waiting for. Let’s cheer!! Hang on a minute while I clear my throat.
We are cheering because Chester Students receive award after raising money for charity. And how have they been raising money for charity?
In a variety of ways as it happens. From growing moustaches for “Movember” through to sunset walks up Snowdon, kind-hearted students from the University of Chester’s sports teams have worked hard to raise about £13,000 for charity. That is some achievement at any time, but in this day and age of so many people tightening their belts, rising food costs, rising fuel costs and rising everything costs basically, raising such a fantastic amount is incredible.
Like I said above, take a bow one and all everyone involved.
Let’s take a closer look at what some of our Chester students did to raise this money.
Chester Students Receive Award For Fundraising Achievements
Throughout the academic year the University of Chester’s sports teams have held more than 50 events to raise much needed funds for local, national and international charities. For instance, the Cheerleading Club raised £2,751 holding a variety of events for numerous charities. Including a sponsored sleep-out for CATH (Chester Aid to the Homeless) and Wore Pink to training for Endometriosis UK.
The men’s rugby union team raised more than £2,392 by growing moustaches for “Movember.” In addition, also holding a prize draw for the British Heart Foundation and taking part in a Rugby 10s tournament for the Royal British Legion were also among their numerous fundraising efforts.
It wasn’t only the rugby teams at it though. So many teams chipped in. The Netball; Badminton; Equestrian; Football (Men); Lacrosse (Women); Running; Swimming and Water Polo; Dance; Rounders and Softball; Archery; Ultimate Frisbee; Pole Fitness and Hockey (Women) all contributed in a big way. They all raised significant amounts of money for charities including West Cheshire Foodbank; North Wales Wildlife Trust; PDSA and Young Minds amongst numerous others.
A Night To Remember
On a night to remember, the Cheerleading and Men’s Rugby Union teams received an award from the University’s Athletics’ Union, the Charity Recognition Award, for their efforts to fundraise for charity and make a valuable contribution to the local community.
Gordon Reay, director of the Athletics’ Union at the University of Chester, said: “We are extremely proud of all of our clubs who raised money for charity over the past 12 months. “Each year our clubs strive to beat the previous year’s total and this year was no exception. In a period of ‘cost of living’ crisis our clubs continue to excel and find innovative ways to raise much needed funds for so many well deserving charities.”
A night to remember indeed. And a night and achievements to be proud of. Something for all students involved to look back on and announce to their children in time to come in due course in answer to the question, “what did you get up to when you were a student?”
A great effort one and all. I hope you really enjoyed your evening of celebration.
Chester Students More To Come
In recognising the achievements of the University’s sports teams, only reminds me. I should post more about our Chester Students and more about the University of Chester generally. In fact, I think it’s time to open up a new category in recognition of this. So, a big hello to my new category – “Chester Students.” Whilst recognising the huge impact University of Chester students have on our city, let’s not forget all students studying at all education establishments. Hence the category name of Chester Students.
In due course more articles will be appearing under this category. So watch this space!!
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
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