Chester Market Memories
An end of an era. In fact a massive end of a massive era. If that’s the right phrase. Chester Market as many of us know it, or knew it, is closing its doors today, Saturday 15th October 2022, for the last time. Just to clarify, this does not mean that Chester will be without a market entirely. No, as many will already know, a new Chester Market is to open in the new Northgate development in a few weeks time. It will open on Tuesday 8th November to be precise.
A bit of background information about our Chester Market that helps conjure up so many memories for so many. It has been located in the Forum Shopping Centre since the 1960s. This version of Chester Market was built as a replacement of the old market hall that was demolished in 1967.
Chester Market Memories

It’s fair to say that for so many residents, Chester Market does hold some great memories. Customers, stall holders, tourists, out of towners on day trips and so on. As I’m of, how shall I put it, of a certain age, I have my very own Chester Market memories.
Of course I can’t recollect all the stalls over the years but there are many that stick in the memory banks. For instance, in my informative teenage years, one of my favourite stalls was Jack Jones. And no, it wasn’t a music stall specifically focused on the legendary American crooner. No, it was a man’s clothes stall. Not somewhere you would necessarily shop for more formal wear necessarily. More of a jeans and casual shirt sort of place. I remember that if you were looking for a pair of jeans for instance, they didn’t have racks of them on hangers for you to choose from. Nope. They were all stacked high on the four counters that made up the overall stall. Some great bargains to be had at Jack Jones that’s for sure.
Chester Market Other Stalls Remembered
Ah yes, Jack Jones. I spent many a moment bargain hunting there. But what of some of the other stalls that spring to mind.
What about Norman’s Home Made Sweets? A cracking stall with some excellent sweets. Also, ex-Granada Reports presenter, So Rahman’s parents had a fabric and material stall for many years I seem to recall. There were butchers aplenty. So many names I can’t quite remember but one name sticks in my mind – Fearnehough. Is that how spell it? Apologies if I’ve mis-spelt.
Hewitt’s, an ironmongers, were there for what seemed like eons as well.
Music lovers of a certain age will also recall one brilliant, independent record stall, Migrant Mouse. Owned by the late, top fella, Dave House, Migrant Mouse used to be situated on Northgate Street itself before moving to Chester Market.
Kev Williams and his Cheese Wedge stall was also a loyal stalwart for many, many years. However, for whatever reason, Kevin isn’t to relocate to the new market. Instead he has moved to Goss Street, just off Watergate Street and fair do’s, he’s making a great success of it in his new location. No real surprise though there as he was so very popular for donkeys years while he was situated in the Market. Good on yer Kev.
Just a few to mention. Apologies if I haven’t mentioned you.
Best Of Luck For The Future
Some of the old, established market stall holders will be making the transition to the new market hall. While others, like Kevin and Death By Tacos have moved to pastures new in the city centre. Some others have decided to call it a day. Whatever the circumstances, best of luck to all those who have served us so well over the years. Whether that be in the new market, an alternative city centre location, or in retirement.
And of course, so many thanks for the memories. So many fond ones.
Now where did I put my first pair of Levis I bought from Jack Jones for £3 and15 shillings all those years ago? I wonder if they still fit me?
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
My first blog post for a while. But quite a poignant one to post after a little break methinks. Many thanks for visiting my Chester Lifestyle website and many thanks for reading my latest offering – Chester Market Memories – it is much appreciated.
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