Chester Lifestyle Roman Style
As we all know, we are living in a beautiful and very historic city. Have you ever wondered though what life might have been like “back in the day” as the saying goes? But when was “back in the day?” Chester Lifestyle Roman Style is certainly going ‘back to the day.’ However, we can go back to relatively recent times and have a good reminisce about the “good old days” as far back as our own memories allow.
I’ve had a ‘bit of a go’ so to speak in my Memory Lane section. If you haven’t done so already, go and have a look at that section. (NB: By the way, if you see reference to ‘Lionel Blairs’ in any of the postings and you’re not sure what that means, ask your parents. Hmm……or maybe your grandparents!!!). Anyhow, back to the plot. Chester Lifestyle in days gone by. Where do we start? Oh, I know, I’ve already touched on it above. What about when it all began. Welcome to Chester Lifestyle Roman Style.
Chester Lifestyle Roman Style
It’s hard to imagine it isn’t it. Chester Lifestyle Roman Style. Or should I say, “Deva Victrix Roman Style”, as Chester was known as at the time. As you would say, ‘back in the day.’ In fact, well and truly back in the day. But let’s have a brief closer look shall we.
I could say (and who could dispute it), I’ve just popped into my DeLorean super, duper time traveler and set the dials for AD79. Or, maybe I hitched a ride on the Tardis and before you know it….bingo, Chester Lifestyle Roman Style. (A quick NB – did they have bingo I wonder ‘back in that day?’).
Or, maybe I just let my creative juices flow and imagined what life might have been really like. Take your pick. After all, it’s only a bit of fun. Right then, Chester Lifestyle Roman Style.
Chester Lifestyle Roman Style – A Typical Day In The Life Of

So, let’s begin to imagine what it was like. The digital artwork image above is something that I conjured up as I tried to imagine life back in that particular day. Right then, stating the obvious, life in Chester during Roman occupation in AD 79 was quite different from what it is today.
The city, as mentioned above, was known as Deva Victrix at the time. It’s well documented that it was a bustling Roman military fortress and civilian settlement. In other words, plenty going on.
Food wise, what did our Roman ancestors get down their “Gregory’s” I wonder (NB: Again, if in doubt, “Gregory?” – ask your parents…..or grandparents).
My sources tell me that the Roman soldiers and civilians in Chester ate a variety of foods, including grains, fruits, vegetables, and meats. But what sort of grains, fruits, vegetables and meat you may ask? I’m sort of sticking my neck out here and I’m going for this little lot.
Chester Lifestyle Roman Style – And For Tonight’s Evening Meal
Meats would have included poultry, pork, beef, and mutton. The locals would also have hunted wild animals such as deer, boar, and hare. And of course, fish and seafood would also have been available from the River Dee.
Fruits available would have included apples, pears, plums, and berries. Grapes, figs, and olives were also available as imports from the Roman Empire. Don’t forget, Chester was a big port ‘back in the day’ so importing wasn’t a huge problem. More on that below.
Vegetables that would have been available would have included root vegetables such as turnips, carrots and parsnips. They would also have had access to leafy greens such as cabbage, lettuce, and spinach. Legumes such as beans and peas would also have been available.
It is worth noting that the availability of certain foods would have varied depending on the season and local climate. Additionally, the diet of the Roman soldiers and the upper class would have been different from that of the lower class and the locals, as the soldiers and upper class had access to more varied and exotic foods. Sound familiar? Not much changed has it?
Talking of imports again. They have also imported luxury goods from other parts of the empire such as wine, olive oil, and spices. The local population would have also hunted and fished for food.
No Footie Or Rendezvous (Where?) So What Entertainment Was Available?
After a hard day, or week, or month’s graft where could the locals spend their hard earned denarius. Just to clarify, the denarius was the main currency. It was in fact the main Roman silver coin used during the Roman Republic and Roman Empire.
What you want a bit more information on the local wonga? OK then. The Roman denarius was first minted in 211 BC (NB: It always fascinates me how they arrived at year numbers. For instance, how did they know when the Roman denarius was being minted that 211 years later a significant birth was going to take place? Even working backwards would have been a huge task. Some diary that would have been!!).
Anyway, I digress. The Roman denarius. It continued to be used until the 3rd century AD. The denarius was typically made of silver and was roughly the size of a modern U.S. dime. It is also possible that there were other coin denominations in use in old Deva Victrix. Coins such as the dupondius for instance – and copper. These were mainly used for smaller transactions however. As well as trading with coins, bartering and trade by weight were also used.
So, there you go. A bit of a local Chester wonga snippet there for you.
Right then, there you have it. A hard week’s graft completed, a pocketful of Roman denarius wonga on your hip, so what do you do?
Fancy A Bit Of Chariot Racing Anyone?
Many of the residents of Chester during Roman occupation would have been soldiers, merchants, and traders. Others would have worked as farmers, craftsmen, and laborers. Some of the residents were slaves.
Chester Lifestyle Roman Style – Accommodation
Housing properties during this time would have been made of stone and brick, and properties would have had tile roofs. Many of the houses would have had at least one floor, and some would have had multiple levels. Living conditions would have been cramped, with many people living in one house. Sanitation would have been poor and disease would have been a problem. That doesn’t come much as a surprise. It’s hard nowadays, when we have so many cleaning products available, to imagine anything less.
Overall, life in Chester during Roman occupation was a mix of military discipline and the comforts of civilization. The Roman presence brought new technologies and ways of life to the area, but it also brought its own set of challenges and difficulties for the local population.
Chester As A Port
Again, hard to imagine nowadays, but Chester, aka Deva Victrix during Roman times, was a significant and important port. The port as we all will know was situated on the River Dee. This busy port provided a natural route for trade and transportation between the Roman province of Britannia and the rest of the Roman Empire.
Our beautiful city was established initially as a Roman fort in AD 79 to protect the River Dee and the surrounding area from the local tribes. It was an ideal setting with all that was available and on the doorstep. This strong Roman fortress served as a hub for the Roman army and administration, as well as a centre for trade and commerce.
The Roman military presence in Chester was quite intimidating but for the locals, it ensured the security of the River Dee. Thereby making it an ideal location for trade and commerce. The city also served as a major centre for the export of goods such as lead, tin, and hides. As well as exports, the port provided the ideal location for the import of luxury goods from other parts of the empire. And not forgetting of course the military significance.
Back in those days there was always a ‘rumble’ going on it seems. So, unsurprisingly, this stronghold of a Roman fort at Chester also served as a hub for the transportation of troops and supplies to other parts of Britannia.
Shipbuilding And More
As with all major ports, the port of Chester was also a significant centre for shipbuilding, ship repair and maintenance. The Roman navy had a presence at the port, and the fort was also used as a base for river patrol.
As you can see and in summary, Chester was a very important Roman port during Roman times. It was an ideal location sitting on the River Dee, which provided a natural route for trade and transportation.
All in all, the Roman military presence in the area ensured security for the port, thereby making it an ideal focal point for trade and commerce, the transportation of troops and military supplies and, as mentioned above, ship building, repair and maintenance.
Without a doubt Chester was a very important city and port back in the Roman days. A real hive of activity.
Chester Lifestyle Roman Style – In Summary
Overall, life in Chester during Roman occupation was a mix of military discipline and the comforts of civilization. The Roman presence brought new technologies and ways of life to the area, but it also brought its own set of challenges and difficulties for the local population.
Here in Chester we are lucky in that we have so many reminders of our forefathers stay in this beautiful city. And, as such, we should be ever so grateful and offer our thanks to our ancestors for leaving us with a truly fascinating city.
In fact, I could just pop back in my DeLorean and offer my thanks. Now where did I put my car keys and flux capacitor? Oh, has anyone got a few denarius they can lend me – it’s my round.
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