Chester After 3pm Free Parking Axed
So it is happening then. Chester after 3pm free parking has been axed. This was actually decided a couple of months ago in July. You can see how the Chester Chronicle reported the news HERE.

Free After 3pm Parking
At the time there was still uncertainty as to what would replace it. It seems strange that two months on and there is still no news. Various alternative options have been put forward. But are the options workable? More importantly, are the alternatives attractive enough to all affected parties alike. Clearly having free after 3pm parking was very attractive. Not only from a financial point of view for traders, but also from a logistical perspective. There were no restrictions as to only a few select hours being available for the free parking. The after 3pm watershed meant exactly that – free parking after 3pm.
Consider a couple of the options put forward as possible alternatives. Firstly, it has been suggested that schemes such as Free after 2pm for Park and Ride users is a possibility. In effect this seems to be aimed at shoppers and retailers. And of course it will only benefit those up until the time the shops close – between say 5pm and 6pm.
Another option suggested has been a ‘spend and save’ scheme. This scheme is based on the idea that retailers will refund a part of the customers’ parking charges, but only if they spend over a certain amount.
As one trader in the Chester Chronicle article (link is above), there will still be charges for this option. Typically, see what one of the Park and Rides charge. Here’s a link to the Wrexham Road Park and Ride charges – CLICK HERE.
This scheme again seems to be targeting shoppers and retailers only.
Chester After 3pm Free Parking Axed
The alternatives mentioned are only suggestions at this stage. They do go some way to alleviating some of the problems that will undoubtedly be experienced by shoppers and retailers. But that in itself is only a partial remedy. It does not get to the crux of resolving all of the issues that axing free after 3pm parking will create.
For instance, what about the staff and the customers of the various establishments that benefited from free after 3pm parking beyond 7pm (after Park and Rides closed). How many city centre pubs, clubs and eating establishments are affected after 7pm?
Also, what about staff and visitors to Chester’s new showcase venue, Storyhouse? This seems a bit of a robbing Peter to pay Paul scenario in some respects. Spend £37m to attract people to come into Chester but then penalise them for doing so by now charging them to park.
Of course, the abolition of the free after 3pm parking does not only affect the city centre. That being so, the abolition will also affect sectors like staff working at Care and Residential Homes. Some Care and Residential Homes may have their own car parks, but of those that don’t, what effect will having to pay for car parking have on the staff of these establishments? Not only the staff. What about the visitors?
What about out of town small businesses specifically choosing to do their banking after 3pm?
The Chester Chronicle article made reference to the Council’s Consultants findings. To quote, “Mott MacDonald claimed Free after 3 added to the evening congestion but the majority of trips were short-stay implying only a limited benefit to the economy”.
What Is The Answer?
Not being privy to the financial calculations that prompted this apparent economic decision it is difficult to challenge the conclusions on a financial basis. However, as it affects so many people on so many fronts, maybe the financial findings should be available in the public domain? Not only that, it would be useful to know if there were any other factors, other than financial, to make such a determination.
As suggested, the abolition of free after 3pm parking, does not only have a financial impact. Logistically, individuals and businesses alike will no doubt have to change some of their normal practices.
On the face of it to the normal layperson, the scrapping of a system that worked for virtually everyone to some unknown as yet alternative seems a very strange decision.
The scrapping of this scheme comes on top of other hard hitting decisions. As so many are so aware, the moving of the bus exchange from the Town Hall has seriously impacted retailers. Particularly, the stall holders in the Chester Market have been particularly affected.
Retailers, customers and other affected parties may have taken on board this announcement if the Council also announced a suitable alternative(s) at the time. But to not have a viable option ready only adds to the annoyance and confusion.
It would seem that the Council needs to make some very important decisions and quickly. If they are not careful the “Chester After 3pm Free Parking Axed” decision could well have a devastating effect. The longer they delay, then more articles like this article HERE will probably surface.
What are your thoughts on the “Chester After 3pm Parking Axed” debate?