Buying Shopping Disorder
Still on the subject on Christmas I suppose but not of course strictly restricted to Christmas only, I’ve been sent an interesting article from regular website contributor, David Jamieson, a local Personal Development Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist . This article may well affect a lot of people. Although the article is not necessarily Chester specific, people in Chester can of course be affected by it. The article of interest is about Buying Shopping Disorder. So, what is Buying Shopping Disorder (BSD)?. I’ll let David explain below.
Buying Shopping Disorder-Sound Familiar?
“Compulsive online shopping should be recognised as a mental disorder in its own right, psychologists say…” (Daily Mail)
David goes on to say……

“Maintaining good mental health can be a challenge at the best of times and we’re now in probably the worst time of the year, surrounded by busyness; shops, traders, media advertising including social which tracks us across from phone to laptop, extolling us to buy more, buy new, buy better, bigger, smarter etc…unbothered by its impact on our stress levels.
‘Black Friday’ is when retailers apparently reduce prices to the bare minimum. Although in reality it’s just another, albeit hugely promoted, sale, and prices-according to ‘Which’ may often be found lower with other sellers, or at other times of the year.
We could instead buy smarter. A reality check simply means the difference between buying what you need, when you need it, and buying what you want even when you don’t need it.
A recent item on the Jeremy Vine programme referred to BSD; Buying Shopping Disorder, which some people want to have recognised as a mental illness.
BSD is not new news; online search produces reports going back to 2007 and earlier, described as Compulsive Buying Behaviour (CBB).
I liken such behaviour to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) when people feel compelled to complete or continue actions. Often repetitive as not doing so could in their mindset result in possibly disastrous consequences for themselves and loved ones, irrational though this may appear to others.
BCD/OCD/CBB whatever, I have to hold my hand up as a ‘me-too’. However, I have a problem with the word ‘disorder’ in this context. Surely it’s simply operating a little differently to the norm?
My experience includes starting a new activity or hobby, opening my mind’s shopping door, encouraging me to buy anything/everything and more related to e.g. golf.
I guess that unconsciously I felt it would make me more as one with the sport, environment, golfing community whilst improving my performance, evidenced through boxes of unopened golf balls and tees, and a plethora of golfing-related clothing.
Of course there may be many underlying reasons, filling a void, a lack of self-belief or confidence, love, enjoyable career, or just wanting to fit in. Each ‘remedy’ may be short-lived, a bit like a sugar-rush, a short intense high followed by a low that requires another purchase to restore the happy buzz, creating an addiction.
Does FOMO Apply To You?
There’s also FOMO-an acronym of our time, the fear of missing out.
The wonderful ‘must-have’, bright and shiny before your eyes, only available (at this low, low price) for a limited time? Buy it or you’ll forever regret it!
Hmmm, although buying a non-necessity may gather dust, and instead of FOMO you’ll suffer from ‘buyer’s remorse’ which I think is self-explanatory?
BSD – Quick Check-Any Of These Apply To You?
- You use buying or shopping as a way to relieve negative emotions
- Your buying behaviour creates serious problems in your life
- You’ve got to carry your credit cards at all times
- You sometimes buy things on credit that you probably wouldn’t with cash
- Your spending habits are causing relationship conflicts
The good news is that there is professional help available, and as a qualified coach and clinical hypnotherapist my first client was myself…regular self-appraisals provide insights of my actions and behaviour. What I’m doing, to what effect and why.
In Luke 4.23 we find “Physician, heal thyself”, a maxim I follow. Understanding and managing my own issues, before offering support to others.
Of course the quickest fix is asking yourself if you really need an item. If it’s worth the financial outlay, and my Damascus moment was the realisation of buying ‘stuff’ in sales at a good price, that I wanted, but didn’t really need. Then finding I didn’t use it straight away, before it was put away because the season/weather changed…
Clever retailer; not so clever me…
If you feel your relationship with money is unhealthy, don’t despair, get in touch for a complimentary 30-minute consultation and let’s see if we can work through it together.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, shop with care and don’t wake up on 1st January with a financial hangover…!
Best wishes,
David Jamieson
Personal Development Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist
Buying Shopping Disorder – Does It Apply To You?
Thanks for the article David. Very interesting stuff. Does Buying Shopping Disorder apply to you? Reading the article myself I can relate to some of the comments made. Not necessarily in the sense of being a ‘victim’, but in other ways.
For instance, I receive a wide range of emails offering a variety of products and/or services that may benefit business services I offer. As David alluded to, the sellers are clever.
Spectacularly, “you must have this new shiny object” headlines turn up in my inbox every day. Luckily I have a separate email account for such emails. Some of the ‘gurus’ do send some informational emails that are worth opening and reading.
But in the main – I’d say maybe as high as between 95% to 99% – most of the emails are looking to bombard you with a ‘fantastic’ offer of a new, must have shiny object.
Buying Shopping Disorder – Buy Now Before It’s Too Late
Again, as David mentioned, there is often a time deadline attached to the ‘urgent’ message. Here’s an example of just one email I received today…..
The heading kindly reminded me – “Day 1 Offer Expires 5pm Today: 5 Days of Christmas From……“
What is the “Day 1 offer?”. No idea, I haven’t read the email.
Why not? Because the title did enough to put me off reading the email.
Do I have any idea what this ‘special offer’ is? None whatsoever. And I have no intention of finding out either.
The way I look at it is, when I woke up this morning was I aware that I was in need of a new, shiny business tool or object? Nope. How long will it take me to read about the offer and what will it distract me from?
If the sales page is so compelling and the urgency message is forceful enough and I did even consider buying, then time to take another step back. If the price etc was so attractive, when exactly would I find the time to play with my new shiny toy? The simple is, no idea. So, another reason to ignore (if indeed I read the email in detail in the first place) the fantastic offer.
A simple case of, “move along, nothing to see here”.
My filter is the email subject line. If it looks too salesy, or too “Wow” I just delete them. And, as I say, that covers about 95% to 99% of emails I receive in that particular email account. Maybe consider your own filter mechanism?
Anyway, I think I’ve added a fair bit of my own experiences to David’s excellent article. Thanks again David. A very enlightening and informative article.
David Jamieson’s Other Blog Posts
This is the latest excellent article David has sent us. You can see David’s other posts in my “Health and Wellbeing” category by clicking HERE.
For David’s contact details, have a look above earlier on in this post.
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As well as “Health and Wellbeing” there are a load more blog posts here on my Chester Lifestyle website on other topics. To see them all, have a look HERE.
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