Big Date Looming-31st October
Unless you’ve been living under a rock you will no doubt be well aware of the big date looming of 31st October. The day that some say will be all doom and gloom. Or, the day that we are confronted by hell and damnation. Have you guessed what I’m talking about yet? A gold star to all those that guessed correctly. Yes, the big date looming is, of course, Halloween.
Why, what else did you think I was talking about?
Oh…..I see, you think I was referring to the unmentionable “B” word that rhymes with “Exit”. Nope, no politics mentioned on this website. There are more than enough places on the internet you can find all the “B” information and gossip your heart desires. But not here……no siree!!
Anyway, back on to the main event – the big date looming…..Halloween.
Big Date Looming-31st October
Below you will see a link to a Halloween post I wrote about two years ago in the early days of my website. This was more of Halloween from my own personal experiences. This particular Halloween post, two years on, is a great checklist of “do’s” and “don’ts” and useful tips to be aware of.
Big Date Looming – Useful Tips And Information

Thanks again to John in Blacon for providing the useful safety points to be aware of. Here goes… no particular order:
Halloween Safety:
10 tips for keeping children safe when trick or treating
1. Plan a route in advance
Trick or treating could take you several streets away from your house,
which can cause sore feet and tired legs. Avoid long treks by mapping
out a route before leaving the house. Stick to paths that you and your
child are familiar with to avoid getting lost.
2. Wear comfy shoes
Make sure you and your children are in comfortable, well-fitting shoes.
Girls in dresses should avoid heels, and all shoelaces should be double-
knotted to avoid tripping in the dark.
3. Make sure all costumes are short
Long costumes that drag on the ground can be dangerous, especially at
night. After purchasing your child’s costume, make sure it’s an
appropriate length, and hem anything that’s too long to avoid tripping.
4. Avoid masks
Masks can make it difficult for your child to see or breathe. If possible,
skip the mask altogether and use non-toxic makeup to complete the
costume instead.
5. Check your child’s sweets
When sorting through sweets at the end of the night throw away any
sweets that are not in their original wrapping, or that look as though
they may have been opened. Better safe than sorry!
Some Great Tips So Far-And There’s More
6. Houses to avoid
Ensure your kids only visit houses that have their lights on, and
preferably only those that have some sort of Halloween decoration
outside. Make sure your kids know to never go inside someone’s house.
7. Let there be light!
Make it a rule to trick or treat only in well-lit areas. Stay on streets that
you are familiar with, and avoid shortcuts through dark alleys. If you’re
not sure where a street goes or whether it is safe, don’t take a chance
on it.
8. Fill up
A hungry zombie can be a scary thing. Prevent your kids from
overloading on sweets and chocolate by feeding them a healthy and
filling dinner before trick or treating begins!
9. Driving?
Watch out for fast moving monsters! If you’re out in your car keep your
eyes open for excitable trick or treaters. Stick rigidly to the speed limit in
any residential areas. You always want to make sure you have extra time
to brake if a child darts in front of your car.
And Last But Not Least
10. Pets alert
No matter how much they beg don’t feed any Halloween treats to your
pets. It will make them ill – make sure your children know this too.
Thanks for the heads up John – much appreciated.
Big Date Looming – When I Was A Lad
I mentioned above about when I was a young ‘un and my writing a Halloween post a couple of years ago. You can see that post HERE. All in all, Halloween when I was a lad was a big event. It doesn’t seem to be the case any more. Having said that it is still huge in the USA.
With regard to this particular post again though, John has also provided some important and useful links for you to read to try and ensure that your Halloween celebrations are enjoyed to the full and trouble free.
Have a look at these…….
Big Date Looming – Did You Know
On an average Halloween, 49 children in the UK are involved in accidents, which is more than twice the average number for the fortnights before and after October 31st.…
Also, have a look at this video for even more tips…..
Talking of videos and on a more lighthearted note, have a look at this short promo video I made just for a bit of fun….
Happy Halloween everyone!!!! Have a good ‘un and stay safe!!!