BBC Question Time
The answer is “Yes” I did recognise someone in the audience in Thursday’s BBC Question Time at Chester Town Hall. Somebody on Twitter on Thursday asked the question “see if you can spot someone you know” before the show was broadcast.
So, as I say, yes I did. And it wasn’t John Barnes. Not mentioning any names though in case he (or she?) would prefer to remain anonymous. But next time I see him (or her) in the Cottage (bit of a clue…bit of a clue!!), I’ll either ask for his (or her?) autograph, or ask them if they are in need of an agent. Who knows, maybe a TV career beckons!!
BBC Question Time

Apart from him (or her?) that may drink in the Cottage, I didn’t recognise anyone else. Apart from Digger Barnes that is. Which raises the question, how did attendees manage to appear in the audience? Is it by applying, or is it by invitation? I don’t know.
Thinking about it though, it doesn’t look like by invitation does it. I mean, how could they have such an occasion and not invite a totally independent, local blog owner!!
Just as well I wasn’t in the audience I suppose though. I could just imagine I would get carried away a bit when the questions were opened up to the floor.
Picture the scene. Fiona Bruce saying, “Yes, the old looking fella with a pint of Otter bitter in his hand” and me frantically looking around for someone else (some old looking fella) coincidentally also holding a pint of Otter bitter.
Then of course, the penny dropping as I realise that I am the only one holding a pint of Otter and that I am an “old fella”.
“Oh me…..thanks Fiona”
“And what is your question old man?”
“Thank you Fiona. My question is to John Barnes. Digger, can I ask, can you tell us what was it like to play in that game against…….” type of question.
John Barnes – BBC Question Time
Seriously though, I thought Digger acquitted himself well enough. I think he sort of got lost a bit on the first topic about whether the two main parties were drifting too far left or right depending on which party you were referring to.
But apart from that Digger, you did well. Interesting to see as well that he was seated in the outside left position on the panel. A position he graced brilliantly for much of his playing career.
Other Panel Members – BBC Question Time
On the subject of the panel members, it was at times a fairly feisty mix. Typically, the Conservative MP (Mel Stride) not agreeing with his Labour counterparts and vice versa. As I say, that’s to be expected.
Did anyone else get the impression though that Fiona Bruce did not take a big shine to Mr Stride? On several occasions she tried to gee him up in a quite aggressive way at times. Maybe I was imagining it.
One thing I do wonder generally about BBC Question Time is whether or not there should be a bit of a local presence depending on which town or city the programme is aired from.
I do know that it is a national programme and that the questions from the floor are not meant to be about specifically local issues. But it may be interesting to see how a local authority leader for instance may contribute to some of the national issues discussed. This may provide some insight as to how they arrive at some of the local decisions when running a Council. Just a thought.
The Programme Itself – BBC Question Time
Well, what about the programme itself and the topics discussed. Sorry, I’m not even going there. I have my views of course on the topics, but my humble little blog is not going to be used as a political platform.
There are plenty of other platforms for that.
What I will say though was how impressive the room they used in the Town Hall looked.
Programme Repeat – BBC Question Time
In case you didn’t watch the programme on Thursday, you can catch it again on the BBC News Channel at 8.30pm on Saturday night (25th). I think there may be another repeat time but I can’t remember when it is now.
Anyway, it was good to see Chester featured on national TV. Did you manage to see someone you know? If so, drop a comment below.
Back to more normal postings next week. Take care folks.
Chester Lifestyle
I hope you like reading my Chester Lifestyle website. If you would like to know more about the website and more about Chester generally, then have a look HERE.
Things To Do In Chester
If you didn’t manage to get an invite to the Town Hall for BBC Question Time then don’t worry. There is still plenty of things to do in Chester. For some ideas of the things you can do in Chester, take a look HERE.