Are We Seeing The Best Of Chester
Some may think a heading of “are we seeing the best of Chester” as a strange topic. Others may not and answer in the affirmative and say an emphatic, “yes.” We are seeing the best of Chester. Mind you, I am sure there are those who think along the lines of, “if only.” Or, they may even say a definite “no.” We are not seeing the best of Chester. What has prompted such a profound, debatable topic for a blog post you may wonder? The simple answer is, nothing heavy going on really. One of the reasons for such a ponder was as a result of taking part in an informal debate on a local forum about an old, empty building in the city centre. A building that has been empty for many years. And where was this building?
Read on for more information and some “thinking out loud” passing thoughts and my own observations.
Are We Seeing The Best Of Chester?
A question was asked on a local forum about the old Ford showroom down Lower Bridge Street. For any newbies to Chester, the building has been empty for donkey years. I couldn’t even hazard a guess how long it’s been empty. And, yes, it is an absolute eyesore. You would think that where it is located, in Lower Bridge Street, on route to one of the city’s greatest tourist attractions – i.e. the River Dee, The Groves and Grosvenor Park, – the place would be a great attraction as a tourist venue. But, by the looks of it, not so.
I wonder why that would be? One response offered a suggestion in that the poster mentioned that there was a possibility that the building was built on top of an old Viking burial ground. And, any new use of the building that involved any significant changes in terms of building work, would involve having to exhume remains and re-house them – if that’s the right phrase. In other words, it may not be such a simple case of an empty building and everyone is ignoring it.
Whether this is correct or not was not confirmed.
However, if the Viking connection is true then suggestions were then popping up saying, why don’t we make the most of such an historic landmark and utilise it.
Could you imagine what may be hidden in the deep bowels of the site?
Chester and The Romans
We all know of the Romans and the connection with Chester, or should I say Dewa. We have the Deva Experience located in Bridge Street, so plenty of Roman information available there. When it reopens that is. It is currently closed but reopens on 23rd July. For more details – have a look HERE. Now that gives us plenty of Roman stuff to go on. But, is there anything to tell us more about the Vikings and their stay? I’m not sure. There may be but I don’t know where to find it in the city centre.
The Vikings, in case you didn’t know, didn’t just pass through. No siree, they also settled here. In fact, much of the history of the city of Chester and surrounding areas in the late ninth to late eleventh centuries had a very Viking influence about it.
With creative juices flowing, you may well ponder, what if there was a Viking centre based at the old Ford Showroom? Especially if the old burial ground story is true.
In fact, even though their time spans did not overlap, you could arrange something like an annual mock battle in the city. The Romans v The Vikings. Who would win that I wonder? Who’s army had the best equipment, the best leaders and the best army? Imagine the local media coverage of that.
You can just see it now. A nice sunny day and a wander down to the river for a quick Cornetto sat on a bench by the bandstand after stopping off at The Viking Centre in Lower Bridge Street. That may have potential – who knows? Currently though, as mentioned, it is an eyesore and hopefully something will be done with it soon enough. And, also hopefully, if that does happen, not more luxury apartments or another hotel!!! Or a coffee shop!!!
Are We Seeing The Best Of Chester? – What Else Springs To Mind?
Don’t get me wrong, this post isn’t a moan or a groan or a witch hunt. Just a few (not exhaustive) thoughts of my own, or after having exhaustive, in depth, thought provoking pow-wows with key personnel from Chester and the surrounds.
Well, sort of like that. You’ve probably guessed it, a chinwag with some pals during quaffing a few sherbets in The Cottage on a Sunday afternoon. You’d be amazed at the discussions we often have. A right good old, impromptu think tank on occasions. Sort the world out!!! I’ll say we do. Talking of think tanks, such a concept was touched on in a blog post I made a while back. What about a local think tank? Something like, or a hybrid of, the ideas expressed HERE almost some two years ago.
So, what else springs to mind? Talking of eyesores, what about the old British Home Stores in Foregate Street? That’s been empty for years as well and it is right bang in the prime street in the middle of Chester. BHS and it’s woes are not the only ones of course. Browns of Chester?
But what could become of BHS in the short, medium or long-term? Why not pop into The Cottage on a Sunday afternoon and not only listen in, but throw your tuppence worth in. As I say, these aren’t arranged get togethers. It just so happens they kick off fairly out of the blue on occasions. Isn’t that what one of the things about having a good local is all about?
The Grosvenor Precinct
A quick discussion about “are we seeing the best of Chester” couldn’t go ahead without mentioning the Precinct. Or, more to the point, about a lack of what is happening in the Precinct. Could there be more made of the vast open spaces of the centre piece? Who knows? – there’s that heavy hint of a local think tank again.
One aspect of that central area of the Precinct always amazes me whenever I wander through it. And that is the advertising board over the exit to Pepper Street. Do you know the one? If not, have a read of this post I added some time last year HERE and take a look at the photo below.

Chimichanga restaurant was on the board over the Pepper Street exit last year and still is now (or at least it still was last week). And it closed in March 2018. I think all the others mentioned on the advertising board are closed as well. March 2018? You can’t even blame Covid shutdowns for not taking care of that particular sign.
This is in the middle of a prestigious tourist attraction in the middle of a tourist city. I’m not saying it is the case, but could it be argued that such an oversight highlights the level of care?
Anyone else get confused by the tourist sign posts in the middle of town? You know the ones, those that point to the direction of a tourist attraction. I’ll try to remember to take a good look at one I seem to recall seeing a couple of weeks that had all the attractions completely off kilter on the sign post. I’ll take a photo of it as well and add a post accordingly.
Are We Seeing The Best Of Chester – Sporting Venues
I could be wrong but I can’t recall seeing any mention of our sporting venues in the middle of town. To be more specific, Chester Football Club and Chester RUFC. Although I never bother with the races, I’m not even sure there’s much, if any, of a mention of the Roodee. Maybe not as vital for the Roodee as it is right in the city centre virtually, so a quick touristy walk around the Walls and you will easily come across it.
But the two ball playing sports? I wonder how many locals would even know where the two stadiums were if asked by a tourist? Do the two clubs get a mention, or a section for information in the Tourist Information centre by the Town Hall?
Now, don’t get me wrong, there may be good reasons for the Chimichanga advertising board and the wonky tourist sign posts and the non mention of our sporting teams and venues. There may be, but I can’t think of any off the top of my head.
How Do We Address Any Issues – If There Are Any?
So, how do we address these examples (they’re not exhaustive by the way) and ensure we are making the most of our beautiful city? Or, in fact, are we seeing the best of Chester already? I may suggest not if I was a tourist dodging the tumbleweed in the centre of the Precinct and heading out to my favourite Tex Mex dinery boldly advertised over the Pepper Street exit.
Do we address it by keeping our heads low and pointing fingers at anywhere but ourselves? Or, going forward, do we consider a local think tank as touched on above and written about in this link HERE? Maybe we should consider engaging with one of our local radio stations a bit more? As most of what has been written is community related, I am talking about our local Cirlc8 community radio station. You may be aware of them, but if not, you can see what they are all about HERE.
If there was such a thing as a think tank, I would hope that they would be active participants. Equally, I would hope that institutions like the University, the Cathedral, the Zoo, the sporting venues, local communities, CWAC, local traders, to name a few – in fact, all those mentioned in the think tank link above. Or, a hybrid of some of them.
All of the answers for the above may already exist and I’m just not aware of them. If there are, then where can I find them? And when I do, I’ll do a follow up post. Or, it may be that my thoughts and observations above renders me as a lone voice in the wilderness (who said that?) and everything is hunky dory?
Anyway, some of my thoughts are now out there (oh yes, I have more!!). Anyone have any thoughts of their own? Answers not on a postcard – instead, just pop into the Cottage on a Sunday afternoon and join in. Or, drop me a line.
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