All They Want Is A Forever Home
Here we go. Here’s the first article on one of our local Chester Businesses. A car body repair business just outside Chester. But this article isn’t all about cars. On behalf of John’s 31 guests may I be the one to pass the message on – all they want is a forever home.
As it so happens, my recent visit didn’t pan out as I expected. There I was doing my roving reporter bit and decided to pop in to see John Williams at Williams Auto Body in Bretton. The reason for the visit was, to some degree, sidetracked by the overwhelming welcome from an army of cute moggies. Cute moggies aplenty in fact. And why are these cute moggies there? They are all strays as it happens. To his huge credit, John looks after them all and gives them a roof over their heads. And they are all very well looked after by the looks of it.
But, in each case, all they want is a forever home.
All They Want Is A Forever Home
I do realise that there are so many animal charities that have a huge amount of cats and dogs and other pets that they are looking for homes for. But the reason I mention John is because he is not an actual animal charity. Although he acts as one in the real sense.
Just to clarify, John runs a car body repairs business. He has done so for 30 plus years and is well established, professional and well respected in his chosen profession as it happens.
But, aside from this valuable service, John has taken it upon himself to look after and house….wait for it…..31 (yes, 31!!!) stray, homeless cats and kittens. To be fair, those that know John well and call in and visit him, do pop in now and then and leave him with some much needed food for his hungry guests.
In fact while I was there somebody dropped off a few tins of food to help out. But it is John who feeds them, gives them a bit of TLC when they need it, play with them and generally makes sure they are fit and well.
I saw at first hand yesterday how well looked after they are. I didn’t get to see all 31, but I did see plenty nonetheless. Being a cat lover myself, it really warms the heart to see how caring John is with his ever growing tribe of furry tenants. If we didn’t have four of our own already I would have probably taken one myself.
Wobbles Would Love A Forever Home

As soon as I walked in to the workshop area, John took me over to a damaged car and introduced me to Wobbles. Yes, that’s right, he’s named them all. He is called Wobbles as he has a slight ailment that causes him to wobble sometimes when he walks.
He is so clean and very affectionate. John told me that his bed in the car is his own domain. Wobbles will enjoy his breakfast first thing in the morning with his pals, then retire back to his car.
He reappears at lunch but then returns to his ‘home’. John says that he mainly wanders from ‘home’ to food tray and back again. In a way, Wobbles is a house cat, albeit his home is a car wreck. He is not a problem at all and, as John says, it would be great if Wobbles could find a forever home for real.
So, if anyone out there is looking for a loving, cute, low maintenance, young moggy to give a forever home to, then you may like to have a look at Wobbles.
Tabbs Is Looking For A Forever Home

Tabbs is another cutie looking for a forever home. Again, another very clean, friendly cat with an amazing bushy tail. Tabbs just sat there and took it all in while I was sat talking to John.
Smokey took a shine to me it seemed. Whenever I stroked another cat, Smokey came alongside, made a fuss and insisted on a bit of the action. A very affectionate, lovely cat who certainly liked his food as he really piled in to his dry biscuits lunch. Another one of John’s gang who would love a forever home.

All in all an interesting experience to see how John’s “family” went about their day in a normal way and how they all interacted with their surroundings.
So Who Would Like A Loving Furball?
As I said above, I know there are various places where you can look for a cat or a kitten if you want one. Having said that, I doubt many of you are aware that there is a wide variety of ready, willing and able moggies available at a car body repair workshop just outside Chester.
So, at this stage, all that John would like is that more people are aware of these cuties. I said to John that the least I could do was to spread the word. Hence, this post to bring John’s cats and kittens to your attention.
I’ll reach out even more on John’s behalf if I may. Are there any vets, or cat charities out there who can offer John some support? Or, any members of the public who fancy donating a couple of tins of cat food or a bag of biscuits?
Or you may wish to volunteer to take one of John’s cats to the vet in Green Lane Saltney for him if any require a trip. There are some who do support at some stage with some food and the odd lift to the vets. John and the 31 are all very appreciative of this help. But more help would be very well received.
Even better if you took a shine to one of the “team” and gave them the ultimate pressie – a forever home.
If you would like to have a look at any of John’s cats, then either pop along to see him at Broughton Mills Road in Bretton. It’s about halfway between Saltney and Airbus factory in Broughton.
Or, give him a ring on 01244-661079. John will be able to tell you more details about each of the cats.
Williams Auto Body Repairs
While we’re at it, I certainly think it’s worth mentioning John’s excellent car body repair business. If your car is in need of some body repairs, or a bit of TLC, then pop along to John’s in Bretton. Oh, by the way, why not take a tin of cat food with you……and maybe a cat carrier…..just in case!!!!
More details of John’s car body repair business and directions of how to get there, have a look HERE. Or call him on 01244-661079.
Chester Lifestyle
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Things To Do In Chester
As well as visiting cat loving car body repairs businesses, there are plenty of other things to do in Chester. For some more ideas, have a look HERE.
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Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for visiting my Chester Lifestyle website and for reading my latest article – All They Want Is A Forever Home. A post that will hopefully help find new homes for this cutie furballs.
To see all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics, then visit HERE.
And going off on a complete tangent and as this is Chester related website. Here’s the “help support a local small business” section.
As This Is A Chester Related Website
As this is a Chester related website, you may be looking for the ideal Chester related gift for your loved ones. If so, then have a look at my Chester section of my new Etsy store. You can find out more about my Etsy store HERE.
Plenty of originally created downloadable digital artwork for you to have a look at HERE. And, as I say, a variety of Chester related products to choose from. Like this artwork image of Chester Bandstand in The Groves: