A Degree Of Death
In an earlier post I introduced Chester author Bryan Lawson to you. You can read the original article HERE. In the article I mentioned that Bryan has published a new book called “A Degree Of Death”
Liking a good mystery myself I was intrigued about Bryan’s novel and, as a result, I asked him if I could publish an excerpt of “A Degree Of Death”
Set in Chester, “A Degree Of Death” is well worth a read. Oh, by the way, the book front cover is pretty cool isn’t it!!
You can read the excerpt below. The book is available from Amazon as you can see from the links below.
A Degree Of Death

A Degree Of Death-Bryan Lawson
“The River Dee knew roughly where it was going without being quite sure how to get there. Its halting progress through Chester fascinated onlookers as it tripped over itself, splashing against the stepped embankment of the Groves on one bank and tumbling over the weir towards the other.
Katie Lamb inhaled the calm evening air but Denson was always warning her that important events have a habit of happening when you least expect them. She scanned around. A family was feeding the swans on the river by the bandstand. Two tour guides, impatient to get home to their families, were herding the last day-trippers onto coaches.
A crowd of delinquent black-headed gulls played their special version of dare, floating towards the weir, taking off at the last possible moment then swooping around only to bob down again past the pleasure steamers moored for the night on their buoys in the centre of the river.
She scanned around preparing herself for the questions she knew Denson would fire at her. She could see three people up on the suspension bridge; an old chap was leaning over the rail in the centre and a couple of schoolgirls at the far end were nudging each other and giggling.
She climbed the steps to the side of the bridge leading up into the park. The benches were empty save for a discarded copy of the local newspaper that Katie tossed into a litter bin.
It was just as the paper rattled its way down the metal cage that the scream rocketed up into the evening air. Stuttering at first, and then quickly reaching a crescendo, it bounced off the water scattering the gulls and encircling Katie. She froze, her feet refusing to move, her head twisting this way then that, her eyes wide open demanding a clue. Her brain searched for an appropriate response and reminded her that she was on duty, her first solo patrol.
She turned and broke into a run, retracing her steps around a bend in the path. The two schoolgirls hurtled towards her off the bridge. One was screaming hysterically; the other, some way behind, was affecting an attitude of impatience. The first girl charged headlong into Katie clutching wildly at the skirt of her uniform.
‘He’s dead, he’s dead,’ she choked between sobs.
‘Calm down now,’ said Katie patting her head as the poor thing clung to her leg, burying her face and trembling with fear, ‘who is dead?’
‘The old fella on the bridge,’ sniffed the second girl between chews on her gum.”
You can buy “A Degree of Death” from Amazon” from the link below. **Please Note** – I earn commissions from Amazon for any qualifying purchases made from my Chester Lifestyle website.
A Degree of Death-A Drake & Hepple Mystery
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – A Degree of Death. The first of Chester author, Bryan Lawson, Chester related Drake and Hepple murder mystery novels. And an interesting addition to my “Famous Chester Celebrities” category don’t you think.
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