The Truth Is Out There
Some time a while ago I wrote a blog post entitled, “We Are Not Alone.” In the opening section I did specify that there was no need to worry. The post wasn’t about anything ET….ish, or spooky. But in fact, the “We Are Not Alone” bit referred to the 36 other Chester’s in the world. There you go. Totally harmless. Mind you this post does, in fact, focus on one of the other topics avoided in “We Are Not Alone.” To quote Mulder from the classic TV series, the X-Files, the truth is out there.
No doubt many reading this will be thinking, “he’s flipped – he’s started to see things.” No, not at all. I haven’t seen any little green men, or any other coloured non-human, biological (as they called ET’s in a YouTube video I watched a few nights ago) creatures. But, if you do look at this particular topic in the news, stories of stranger things (and I don’t mean the popular Netflix series, so no pun intended) seem to be gathering pace. But how does this affect Chester specifically?
Carry on reading and I’ll enlighten you.
The Truth Is Out There

A bit of recent background. You may have heard about a certain gentleman in the news recently by the name of David Grusch. In case you don’t know who he is, read this:
David Grusch is a former US Air Force Intelligence Officer. In recent weeks Grusch, speaking under oath, has told Congress that the U.S. government has secretly been retrieving unidentified flying objects (UFO’s) for several decades. He also claimed that “non-human biologics” have been found at these crash sites.
Is this an isolated announcement from a crank, or is there any substance in these claims? According to recent news reports it does appear that Mr Grusch is not a lonesome whistle blower making shot in the dark accusations. Following on from an increase of strange sightings in the sky, the Pentagon decided to take UFO sightings seriously and created a special group in 2021. The aim of the group was to “look into it” a bit more closely. In a bid to bring the old terminology of UFO into today’s speak, and to reduce social stigma, UFOs have been renamed UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). A strange label and a label that nobody seems to like as it happens.
In short, this particular “UFO whistle blower,” David Grusch told Congress recently that the U.S. government has uncovered extraterrestrial bodies and spaceships from crash sites.
The Reaction To David Grusch’s Comments
The reaction? A mixed bag actually. Although I think in the main, over here in the UK, there’s been a collective shrugging of the shoulders. A wave of indifference mostly. I suppose on the one hand, someone a bit more “in the know” announcing on oath to Congress that UFOs and “non-human biologics” exist, is quite a step forward in finding out whether or not the truth is out there. But, not unsurprisingly, the public are then asking, “where’s the proof?”
It makes you wonder whether Mr Grusch’s announcement has put him in the position of being in between “a rock and a hard place?” I did say that he wasn’t all on his own with his information. By all accounts there are 40 or more whistle blowers waiting to come forward. Also, as well as his own announcements to Congress, there were US fighter pilots making statements saying that they had actually witnessed UFOs, or UAPs.
But again, where is the evidence? David Grusch is saying there is evidence but it just hasn’t been released yet. However, Joe Egg would want something more than a ‘definite maybe’ on something of this magnitude.
The Truth Is Out There – In Chester Maybe?
As touched on above, there has been an increase of apparent sightings since 2021. This is the same here in the UK. According to a Talk TV news item last week, there have been almost 1,000 UFO sightings in the UK since 2021. And where have most of these sightings occurred? As it happens, they have been mainly concentrated in Greater London; Greater Manchester and, you’ve guessed it, Chester.
Have a watch of the 6 minutes; 57 seconds Talk TV video below:
Chester get’s a mention 20 seconds in. And who are the two experts discussing the topic with the presenter? One is a British UFO expert called Nick Pope. And the other gentleman is an American Investigative Journalist, by the name of Jeremy Corbell. As I say, have a listen to what they have to say in the short video above.
The Truth Is Out There – Are You A Believer?
If you listen to Jeremy Corbell in the video above he is saying that we have been categorically told that “UFOs are indeed real.” And that we have been told “something historic.” Nevertheless, does this make you a believer? I think in most cases, the jury is still out on this whole topic. As many have said, where is the evidence?
I would assume that as there doesn’t seem to be such a widespread coverage of this topic, scepticism prevails. Like most, I’m not sure if I believe in it unless we, the public, are provided with evidence. Imagine the news coverage then if ever that happened!! Off the scale no doubt.
What I do know is that I hope to be around if ever there was a big reveal and evidence was provided. In other words, if true, I hope it is to be announced in my lifetime. And if our “non-human biologics” were friendly and more technically advanced, then an even bigger “Wow!!” Just imagine, for instance, if they knew the cures for so many ailments. I guess that would mean the big pharmaceutical companies may be against such knowledge being freely shared. But discussions of what is known is way too premature. Let us find out if “non-human biologics” and their spacecrafts from another planet exist first.
Maybe the truth is out there and more is to follow. But in the meantime, people of Chester, keep an eye out for anything strange looking in the skies above us. You never know!!
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – The Truth Is Out There. A topic worth following a bit more closely maybe?
Also maybe a time to watch the skies above us with a bit more of an interest?
To see all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics, then visit HERE.
And going off on a complete tangent and as this is Chester related website. Here’s another “help support a local small business” section.
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