Faulkner Street Hoole
To many locals, the often echoed description of Notting Hoole is a valid and accurate label. Of course as everyone will know, the reference of Notting Hoole is a play on the name of the district of London known as Notting Hill. No doubt plenty have seen the film Notting Hill. What is known as a romantic comedy, or for short, a rom com. The film stars Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. There you go, an unexpected and unscheduled plug for a Hollywood blockbuster over. I’m sure though they can generate plenty of their own success without a helping hand from little old me. So, yes Faulkner Street, Hoole.
Faulkner Street Hoole
You could simply describe Faulkner Street Hoole as being a well-known street located in the Hoole area of Chester, Cheshire, England. You could go further and say, “Hoole is a popular suburb situated just outside Chester’s city centre. Faulkner Street is one of the central streets in the neighborhood, known for its vibrant atmosphere, local shops, eateries, and community events.”
That’s all well and good. And the description above is quite a clinical one. To offer another, more objective description is probably best measured by actually paying Faulkner Street a visit. And when would be the best time to visit Faulkner Street? I suppose that depends really on what you were visiting for. If it was to simply see it and check out the atmosphere or the vibes, you may consider calling in on a Saturday. To be even more specific, maybe a Saturday morning or early afternoon.
Often you will find Faulkner Street buzzing on a Saturday morning, or early afternoon. Before going any further, it should be worth mentioning that to enjoy the full Faulkner Street experience, you should also include the adjacent, Charles Street.
And where might Charles Street be? Here’s a thought, take a stroll down Faulkner Street to find out. No, no, that’s just a tongue in cheek remark. I don’t mean to be flippant. You can find Charles Street just in between the Sainsbury store and The Faulkner pub on the left hand side. Opposite the Bromfield Arms, aka The Brom.
Faulkner Street Hoole In The Words Of Martin Platt
Hey? Martin Platt? Who’s that?
Good question. I must admit I’m not really a Coronation Street fan but fairly recently, mainly while grabbing a bite to eat, Classic Coronation Street is on in the background. And, as it happens, Classic Coronation Street shows some old, episode re-runs. In some of the re-runs currently being shown, there’s a character in it called Martin Platt.
Now, it’s either coincidental timing or he really was presented with a limited script, but each time I seem to be shoving a forkful down my Gregory, Martin pops up with his, what seems to be his regular line of, “what’s going on?”
Not even really watching the storylines, I eat my meal waiting for his scenes with encouraging mutterings of “go on, go on” just as he enters the proceedings. And so many times it seems, his opening offerings are, “what’s going on?”
Is that what puts the “Classic” in “Classic Coronation Street?” Maybe not as classic as, “I think we’ll need a bigger boat” but getting there…..maybe…..ish!!
Anyway, where was I? Talk about digressing.
What’s going on in Faulkner Street?
Faulkner Street Shops And Other Retail Outlets
Take a walk down Faulkner Street and you may well be surprised at the variety of retail options available. Without going in to them all in detail (mind you, having said that, I may in time), I’ll just mention some of the types of retail outlets you will find.
In short, you will come across outlets such as Turkish barbers; hairdressers; a gift shop stocking quite a diverse range of affordable, attractive gifts; a tanning shop, sandwich shops, charity shops……and pause for breath. You will also find a florist, a chemist, pubs, restaurants, a bookmaker, women’s clothes shop, a fruit and veg shop……wow, quite a long list. I need a drink of water!!
And There’s More
Right, where was I? Oh yes, detailing the impressive list of retail outlets in Faulkner Street.
There is a lingerie shop; travel agents; a delicatessen; a Sainsbury Express store; fast food takeaways; an off licence; beauty spas (I include in that treatments and services like nails, massages, feet and so on); coffee shops; an optician (strictly speaking on Hoole Road, but right on the corner of Faulkner Street); a Post Office incorporating a convenience store; an excellent butchers; a fishmonger; a hardware shop and a bakery.
Eagle eyed readers will have noticed that the above is not a complete list. Hmm…..well spotted.
So, who have I missed? The image on this page is a bit of a giveaway.
Not Forgetting These Faulkner Street Retail Outlets
On Saturday just gone, aside from doing a bit of shopping, we happened to have a quick chat with two store owners. In the first one we were looking for a certain type of shoe horn in Pioneers Shoe Repairs. None were in stock. Many outlets may have just left it at that.
But not so Pioneer Shoe Repairs. We were asked what it was we wanted exactly and the shop owner offered to order one specially. I realise all said and done it is extra business but hardly an order to enable the owner to retire comfortably in the lap of luxury. No, I viewed the offer of ordering what we wanted as being a mainly community spirited gesture. A very welcome gesture as well.
We already took our shoes there for repairs, but guess where we will be going for all the other products and services they provide? Going the extra mile is so very much appreciated by customers. The shoe horn we requested will be available on Friday or Saturday by the way. Many thanks Pioneer.
Olivia and Smith

Another shop we observed going the extra mile was the owner at Olivia and Smith. I saw the owner outside trying to position a postcard (I think it was) showing a photo of the Eastgate Clock in front of her phone camera, with the Olivia and Smith store in the background. And the reason for this? To satisfy a request from one of her customers. Was the existing, new, or prospective customer (not sure which type of customer they were), going to spend a shedload of money? Not sure, none of my business.
In speaking with the owner I got the distinct impression that she was doing it to, again, go the extra mile for a customer. Another great example of an “over and above” community spirited approach.
The owner has history of demonstrating such an approach. I’ve been in the shop several times before on the look out for pressies and I’ve witnessed this ever helpful commitment.
But what sort of pressies was I looking for? What do Olivia and Smith sell? Maybe some of you are intrigued? The short answer could again well be, take a trip into Faulkner Street and visit the shop yourself. But that may not be particularly helpful though – although you should really consider it.
Whenever I’ve been browsing and shopping in there, I’ve been looking for jewellery gifts. But in addition to jewellery you can see a fine array of other on-trend and traditional fashion accessories, gifts and homeware to suit everyone. Quite a mixed bag of quality gifts.
And a very helpful owner as well. What’s not to like!!
Faulkner Street Parking
Cars do park in Faulkner Street itself but, as far as I am aware, the available parking is very short term. More of a quick dropping off or picking up short term stop. There is, however, a car park in nearby Bishop Street, just behind Faulkner Street. Nearby to the extent of a less than a five minute walk away from Faulkner Street. There are 82 or 83 Spaces available on Bishop Street Car Park. This Car Park used to be free but not so any more. New parking charges and ticket machines were introduced February 2019.
For car park details see below:

One simple way to get to the car park is to turn into the one way Faulkner Street from Hoole Road; travel about 200 yards or so; turn left into Charles Street (Sainsbury Express Store is on the corner); go to the end of Charles Street; turn left onto Westminster Road and the car park is about 50 yards on the left.
Charles Street Hoole
You will have noticed that Charles Street is mentioned quite a few times. Yes, it is adjacent to Faulkner Street and is also a street with a variety of retail outlets and services. Rather than turn this post into a mini version of “War and Peace” I’ll write a separate article about Charles Street in due course.
And, as I also mentioned above, maybe a focus article on each of the individual outlets could be a worthy exercise? I’ll have a ponder. Two outlets have already had a very brief mention. A more in depth write up on these and others, but in a way of relating my own personal experiences? It could be a plan. Watch this space.
Hoole Christmas Lights
Before I sign off on this article, I can’t go without mentioning the so very popular, Hoole Christmas Lights. The focal point of this excellent annual event is Faulkner Street. You can see more about this, well worth visiting event, by visiting HERE. It is an article about the Hoole Christmas Lights 2019. A really great occasion.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for reading my latest blog post – Faulkner Street Hoole. A worthwhile addition to our local community posts perhaps?
And Faulkner Street itself is well worth a visit.
To see all of my other blog posts on a variety of topics, then visit HERE.
And going off on a complete tangent and as this is Chester related website. Here’s another “help support a local small business” section.
As This Is A Chester Related Website
As this is a Chester related website, you may be looking for the ideal Chester related gift for your loved ones. If so, then have a look at my Chester section of my new Etsy store. You can find out more about my Etsy store HERE.
Plenty of originally created downloadable digital artwork for you to have a look at HERE. And, as I say, a variety of Chester related products to choose from. Like this artwork image of Chester Bandstand in The Groves: