Christmas Lights Switch On
Last Friday saw the annual Christmas lights switch on in Chester. Just realised, of course it’s annual, how many Christmas’ are there in the year!! Anyway, you know what I mean. This year’s Christmas lights switch on was on a Friday instead of the normal Thursday. I’m no good at estimating numbers so I can’t confirm or dispute the forecasted turnout of 15,000. I do know it was packed though…..very packed!!
Christmas Lights Switch On
So packed in fact it took me ages to find a car park space. I looked everywhere. Finally, I found a great spot in Abbey Square. So, for future reference I’ll consider the same spot whenever I can. Just have a look at the excellent spot and the brilliant way I reversed my ‘old tub’ into the space…..

Christmas Lights Switch On – Brilliant At Parking Aren’t I
I never thought for one minute my car parking attempts would attract so many people to surround my car.
Chester Christmas Parade – 12 Days Of Christmas
The Christmas Parade with its “12 Days Of Christmas” theme went very well. It was well prepared it seemed and very well executed. Adults and children alike seemed to really enjoy taking part. I managed to take a few photos and produce a short video capturing the occasion.
Here you go…’s the video.
All in all it was a spectacular greatly enjoyed by the masses.
Christmas Lights Switch On – One Reservation
Not a major issue but if I had one criticism – if you can really call it a criticism. More of an observation really. I think the event would benefit from having an MC at the Town Hall. Like last year it wasn’t clear when exactly the lights were being switched on. Or for that matter at what stage the parade was at. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, just a few updates as to what is happening and when.
Maybe something to bear in mind for next year. Another minor beef – too many fast food stalls at the Christmas markets.
Still, as I say, a very enjoyable night and one that seemed to be down well with all visitors. Next up in the Christmas Lights Switch On is the Hoole lights switch on this Saturday (24th November). Now that is an excellent occasion and one most definitely not to be missed. Keep an eye out for my Hoole Christmas Lights Switch On post some time next week.
In the meantime next time you’re in town, have a look at the Chester Christmas market. Enough stalls for you to get stuck into your Christmas shopping……and if you happen to be hungry….plenty of options!!!
Chester Lifestyle
I hope you like my Chester Lifestyle website. If you would like more information about the website and the beautiful city of Chester in general, have a look at this link HERE.
Things To Do In Chester
As well as watching a Christmas Lights switch on, there’s always plenty of things to do in Chester. Here’s a link for some ideas of things to do in Chester HERE.