The Groves Chester Revisited
We all know there are plenty of things to do in Chester. Without doubt we are very fortunate to be living in such a beautiful city. I have my own favourite places to visit in Chester. One such place is The Groves. I have written an article on this beautiful, picturesque part of Chester before – see the link HERE – but in this weather, The Groves Chester takes on a different dimension. This article therefore – The Groves Chester Revisited – is as a result of my recent visits over the last few, very hot days.
In addition to parking myself on a bench and watching the world go by in such a relaxed location, I also took some photos and I’ve produced a short video…….watch it below!!
The Groves Chester Revisited

The Groves Chester Revisited
Is there a more chilled out, more relaxing place to visit in Chester? Probably not. Always a fantastic place to visit at the best of times. But during this superb weather we have had recently? It has a totally feel about it. And a totally different look to it.
I always make a point of getting myself down there as often as I can generally. This week however, it has been fantastic to jump on my pushbike and spend an hour or so down there, sat on a bench, watching the word go by.
The video I have produced above is aimed to encapsulate the peacefulness and the attractions of The Groves. It has been put together over the last couple of weeks of photos and videos. It could of course be much longer but keeping it to just over two minutes long hopefully captures the mood and the beauty.
Nothing better than enjoying an ice cream and watching the people go by and the boats sail peacefully up and down the river.
One thing I would like to see however is a better use of the bandstand. I’m not sure how, who or when performers are allowed to utilise the venue. Who owns the bandstand? You do, on occasions, see performers delighting the visitors perched on the many benches found in The Groves. Mainly on the weekends only though.
Not a criticism necessarily – just an observation.
Grosvenor Park
On the way to and on the way back to The Groves however, I tend to go via the Grosvenor Park. Er….I must admit, this is tending to be looking in need of a bit more TLC at the moment. Unkempt flower beds, particularly by the entrance opposite Fisher German estate agents. In fact, the whole park looks as though it could do with a makeover.
It’s a shame the Queen and the Duchess of Sussex didn’t have Grosvenor Park as one of their stop off points during their recent visit to Chester. If they had, the place would be all tidied up spick and span no doubt.
Still a pleasant enough to visit though.
Just a short blog post this one as I’m off out soon to….you’ve guessed it….The Groves Chester Revisited. Lunch on a bench….can’t beat it.
Hope you like the video and you get chance to take a trip yourselves while we are still enjoying this fantastic weather.
For More Information on Chester and Chester Lifestyle
If you wish to know more about the beautiful city of Chester and Chester Lifestyle – click HERE.
For more information on things to do in Chester – check this link out HERE.