Are You Lonesome Tonight
David Jamieson, our local personal life coach is back with another interesting article folks. It is an article about something that affects so many people. And yet, it is a subject that so many brush under the carpet. Are you lonesome tonight? If you are then don’t suffer alone. Make others aware. There is help out there.
Are you lonesome tonight?….I’ll let David explain more below.
Are You Lonesome Tonight

David Jamieson-Life Coach – Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Remember Elvis, singing the blues a few years ago?
Singing about loneliness, which could be described as a ‘silent killer’?
Loneliness, something so serious that it now has its own government minister. A recent report stated that it is now the biggest killer in the UK and US, ahead of coronary heart disease and cancer.
People that are genuinely lonely, who maybe live on their own, perhaps not working, retired or unemployed, with no close family members – maybe a widow/er, will miss others’ company. This will affect the way they view themselves; their social value, self-worth, and self-confidence, impacting negatively on their overall mental and physical health.
Not that being on your own is always a bad thing; when it’s temporary it can become ‘me-time’ an opportunity to catch up on things like reading me-favourite books, watching me-TV programmes, me-writing articles and me-tidying as and when I wish.
Only in the short-term though, as I then look forward to company, with whom I can share, bounce ideas off and generally discuss or disagree with what’s going on in our lives and the wider world.
This is something akin to professional coaching…and as I typically work on my own I’m fortunate that my work takes me out and about, helping people of different ages, backgrounds, and needs, so during a typical week I’m either in or preparing for meetings.
It may be that over time people find their comfort zone-which initially appears a good place gradually becomes a hole that into in which they slip, with fewer close friends, peers and contacts, who may have died or moved.
What Options Do We Have?
However, there are options, and if you’re a little unsure about what you can do, read on…
- There are many Church/Community Centre clubs and groups… e.g. Art, Creative Skills, Knitting, Pilates, Tai Chi, 55+ and more
- Northgate Arena may be able to offer a discounted membership depending on your status, e.g. employment or age, and they offer a wide range of fitness classes that I can personally recommend e.g. Yoga, Pilates. Don’t worry about your current fitness level as they have great instructors and you can try different classes until you find your favourites
- If either finance or fitness is a challenge, can you cycle, run or simply walk, all of which help to keep your body engine in great shape?
- If able to, get a pet (RSPCA/Dogs Trust) or look after or take your neighbour’s for a walk. Caring for an animal such as a cat, dog etc. has been shown to reduce stress levels, and fellow dog-walkers always stop for a chat, as of course do the dogs-very sociable creatures
- Join or start a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme-invite your neighbours around for a coffee; I have neighbours who did started ours when moving into the area and it was a great opportunity for us to get to know each other
- You could also speak to friends, neighbours, fellow churchgoers/worshippers-it only takes a ‘isn’t it lousy/wonderful weather’ statement to start a conversation
- Consider your knowledge and skills; could you help a local charity? Again from personal experience, I know that many would love to hear from you!
- A good place to start may be the Chester Voluntary Action website: (tell Joanne I sent you…)
- With an active mind in need of nourishment, you could also consider studying a topic you’ve always been interested in but never had the time. Age should not be an issue; a minute’s research throws up stories of graduates well into their 90s and beyond and you’ll lots of people of all ages and backgrounds..
Just To Summarise Then
Just a few ideas; local newspapers normally carry a full page of clubs and societies with events/meeting details, but ultimately, it’s up to you to take action
The most important thing to remember is that there is no need for you to have a ‘heart filled with pain’ as Elvis put it, instead do take advantage of the great support available to you, and whilst you may have to step outside that comfort zone, and isn’t that part of the fun?
It will be worth it, so do let me know how you get on!
Best wishes for good mental and physical health,
David Jamieson
Professional Certified Coach
Some useful insight there from David there. Thanks for the article David.
So, are you lonesome tonight? If so, consider David’s suggestions above. Or why not send him a message to discuss further if you so wish. You can find David’s contact email address above.
Here are some of David’s other posts.
Mental Health – Click HERE
Good Mental and Physical Health – Read More HERE
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