Share Shop Chester
Sadly it’s a sign of today’s Society to see so many charity shops popping up in so many high streets. Not only Chester, but also all over the UK, Europe and, in fact, throughout the World. But why are there so many charity shops? That is unfortunately the $64,000 question. Where we can we should all try to do our bit. Share Shop Chester certainly do. To see how carry on reading.
So many reasons are very political. It is not the intention of this article, or in fact, this website to enter the political arena and discuss the political whys and wherefores.
Charity shops are in force for a variety of worthy causes. Heart charities, Age charities and Children’s charities to name just a few. Share Shop in Northgate Street support families in crisis, the homeless in Cheshire and North Wales and offer assistance to refugees who are need of support, wherever they are.
Anyone walking through Chester city centre will see what appears to be an ever increasing number of unfortunate homeless people. Housing these homeless people is such a difficult task. Gladly though there are charities such as Share Shop Chester to help fight the cause. The shop is run by the charity’s founders and volunteers.
Share Shop Chester
Share Shop Chester is located in Northgate Street virtually next door to Chester’s new showpiece, culture centre, Storyhouse. Share Shop Chester opened its doors to the public in January 2016. A large gathering were there to see Chester MP, Chris Matheson, cut the ribbon on the new venture.
So what does Share, or should we say SHARE, stand for. It stands for Supporting Homeless Assisting Refugees Everywhere.
As its title suggests the aim of SHARE is to help as many homeless people as possible. As one hardworking volunteer in the shop told me, “It can happen to anyone. It is possible that we are just a couple of pay packets away from being homeless ourselves”
All homeless people will have their own story to tell. Some more heartbreaking than others, but nevertheless, each one deserves the chance to have the opportunity of getting back into a ‘normal’ life again.
Fancy A Coffee? Then Why Not Buy A Coffee At Share Shop Chester
So what does Share Shop Chester do to help the homeless exactly? One idea to raise money is to enable customers to purchase a ‘suspended coffee’ as a gift for a homeless person.
More specifically, this idea, which is based on trust and goodwill, enables customers to purchase two coffees. One coffee for themselves and the other one is put on a tab. This tab will entitle a homeless to enter the shop and claim it later.
In addition, the shop will offer cakes, clothing and other merchandise to the public. Also, the shop takes donations of clothes. These clothes are then donated to homeless and financially struggling individuals in Chester.
SHARE Flintshire
As SHARE is originally from Flintshire, as well as having the shop in Chester, SHARE will therefore also take donations to Flintshire where the items can be shipped off to aid starving refugees. These refugees can be found in various countries. For instance, SHARE ship containers of items to countries such as Greece and Syria to name just two.
The SHARE centre in Flintshire is to be found in Mold – for contact details of both locations see the link below:
SHARE contact details and opening times information can be found HERE.
SHARE Plans House Purchase
Ultimately the charity plans to generate enough funds from the proceeds from the shop to purchase a derelict house in Chester. In turn this house will be renovated and be opened up to homeless people. As well as getting the homeless off the streets for all the reasons you can think of, it will also provide the previously homeless person with an address.
This will help greatly towards the ultimate goal of enjoying a ‘normal’ life again. Just to be able to give an address to a prospective future employer could be a big step forward in achieving this.
Update August 2019
It is great news to mention that a house has now been acquired. After 3 years of fundraising and 115,000 bricks bought, a house is now available that will enable 3 or 4 homeless people begin to make a fresh start.
Share’s Buy-a-Brick appeal mentioned above managed to raise sufficient funds to purchase a three-bed property in central Chester for £115,000.
A great achievement.
What Can We Do?
Quite simply put, anything we can really. This could entail donating clothes. Making a cash donation. Buy a brick for £1 to put towards another house purchase. Pop in for a coffee and put one on the tab for a homeless person to collect at a later date.
In some respects, whatever contributions to be made will be down to whichever you feel is the more needy. If you want to take care of the local homeless first and foremost, then why not pop in for a coffee. If it’s the refugees you want to take care of, then donate some clothes. In reality though, why not help both.
Volunteer Your Services
Or, why not volunteer your services? Working in the SHARE shop is an obvious option. But what about volunteering to pack parcels at the Mold warehouse for the container shipments.
Local van drivers? Why not offer to arrange pick ups of donations to be delivered to the shop in Chester or to the Mold warehouse?
Local printers could offer to produce whatever printing requirements SHARE require. These very same printed items, such as leaflets and flyers, could be delivered by willing school children. It doesn’t have to be schoolchildren though. Anyone could volunteer.
Who does the books? Maybe this is taken care of, but if not, any volunteers to carry out bookkeeping duties?
Cheshire West and Chester Council
Wouldn’t it be great and such a fabulous gesture by the Council if they offered up one of the houses on their housing stock. Needless to say there will be a waiting list for Council property. Are SHARE on this list? If the Council donated a property then this would free up any money collected from the £1 a brick scheme to buy a property from a private sector landlord. Thereby doubling the charities objectives of enabling the homeless a way back into ‘normal’ society.
If making a house available isn’t an option, what about offering building services for free now that the house is bought? This contribution of course may not only come from the Council. Local builders, plumbers, plasterers, painters and decorators etc could chip in.
Over To You
So, what do you think folks? How can we all contribute to SHARE’s vision and goals? Acquiring the house is a massive achievement. But let’s not forget, the house will need to be maintained as well. And decorated of course.
Any tradesmen out there prepared to help? Or, as touched on above, maybe the Council can offer some of their skilled building maintenance staff?
Share Shop Chester – More Info
You can see more Share Shop Chester posts here on my Chester Lifestyle website.
For more details, have a look HERE and HERE.
Update – October 2019
There is currently plenty going on Share Shop in Northgate Street. For instance, a variety of sponsorship schemes, afternoon tea events, a charity gig (25th October 2019 at The Cornerhouse) and so much more. For full details of what is happening, have a look HERE.
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