Cats Looking For Homes
I do realise that that there are plenty of organisations that are looking to re-home cats as well as dogs. These are difficult times we live in. And every bit as difficult for our furry friends. However this article about cats looking for homes has a very local spin on the topic and is very unusual to say the least. But before I go into more detail, please allow me to make reference to an initial article about this back in August 2019. The article was called “All They Want Is A Forever Home.”
A quick bit of a background.
Cats Looking For Homes
Back in August 2019 I mentioned, in the article link above, a story of how a local businessman was looking after some 31 or so cats that lived at his works premises just outside Chester, in Bretton. Probably about half a mile or so from the entrance to Airbus in Broughton. In those five years, some of the residents have been re-homed and sadly some have passed away. But, new additions have also arrived of course.
I spoke with the business owner, John, last week and the current scores on the doors is 26. Although he wouldn’t admit to it, as he looks after them all equally, John has a particular soft spot for Wobbles. He has his own “home” on the premises and seems happy enough residing in his home of an old wreck of a sports car. But really, it’s not ideal is it. John has told me that there is no way that he would ever abandon Wobbles. Or any of the other residents.
Which brings me on to another reason for an update.
Here’s Wobbles back in 2019.
Cats Looking For Homes Update
A key reason for this update is because John is looking to retire. Now in his early 70’s he is looking to enjoy a well earned rest. And why not. But as well as looking after his business interests, John is also so very mindful of his furry friend residents. As mentioned above and as he has reminded me on several occasions, he will not abandon them. Hence the added urgency of this article of cats looking for homes.
So, if you, or you know of anyone looking for a new furry friendly family member, please consider John and his feline helpers. As also mentioned at the start of this article, it is well known that finding homes for unwanted pets is a bit of a challenge to say the least.
Just a quick mention on the topic of abandoning pets. Quite why people just abandon pets is beyond me and so many pet lovers. We had four cats (but now more recently have two only) and three of those four were rescue cats. Three cats quite literally just thrown out onto the streets to try and survive. One of them, Dotty, is sat just looking at me right now with her big saucer eyes.
She was abandoned in Brook Street at the age of about 4 to 5 weeks old some 8 years ago. We helped rescue her from her hideaway in a parked up car (frightened out of her wits, moving from wheel arch to wheel arch, into the engine space etc for hours). We took her to the vet the next morning and the rest is history.
She’s called Dotty because she is dotty.
Anyway, I digress.
Cats Looking For Homes – Can You Help
John has always taken good care of his furry residents. As he always says, they are not feral. They just all happen to live at the one place – his work premises. He names them all and makes sure they all get their necessary jabs etc. But it is a massive struggle and on occasions he has to rely on the kindness of some of the vets and members of the public donating some food, blankets and bowls.
But, as he is now looking to ease into some sort of retirement, it is time to make extra efforts to find homes for his furry pals. I’m no betting man but I would guess I know where Wobbles will be going if and when homes are found for the others and it’s time to close the doors for the last time. Wobbles will be going home with John.
He tells me (John, not Wobbles) that he is now in contact with a local cat charity and they are looking to help if and where they can. My article is hopefully spreading the word.
If You Can Help
So, if you can help in any way, then don’t hesitate to give John a call on 01244-661079 to discuss. If you can’t give a cat a forever home, maybe you do know someone who is looking for a pet. That being the case, then please consider John (not as a pet, but someone who has a fine group of furry cuties looking for a forever home).
Or maybe, in the meantime, you can offer some help by way of food donations?
Let’s hope that there is a happy ending to all of this. John eases into a well earned retirement; his furry companions have been caringly re-homed to pastures new and Wobbles can live out the rest of his days living in the luxury of a proper forever home instead of a clapped out sports car.
Here’s John’s number again – 01244-661079.
Chester Lifestyle Blog Posts
Thanks for visiting my Chester Lifestyle website and for reading my latest article – Cats Looking For Homes. Hopefully this post helps in some way in looking to find new forever homes for John’s furry companions.
Please spread the word if you can.
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And going off on a complete tangent and as this is Chester related website. Here’s the “help support a local small business” section.
As This Is A Chester Related Website
As this is a Chester related website, you may be looking for the ideal Chester related gift for your loved ones. If so, then have a look at my Chester section of my new Etsy store. You can find out more about my Etsy store HERE.
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